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Secret weapon: How to attract & sell more listings
STL Realtor Tips
4 Views · 5 years ago

If you’re like most of the top-producing Realtors I work
with, you’re sick and tired of parasite mortgage pros
who feel entitled to just suck you dry of referrals
without providing any REAL UNIQUE VALUE in return.
Can you relate?

As far as I’m concerned, your mortgage pro should
be one of your most valuable assets, who doesn’t
just provide “great rates” and “great service” –
that’s a minimum expectation – but provides
killer-effective marketing systems that put more
dollars in your wallet. In short, they should be
your SECRET WEAPON – an irreplaceable,
indispensable asset on your team.

With that in mind, here's a quick 3-minute video
showing how I help my Realtor Partners attract
more quality listings and sell them faster for
top dollar.

Check it out:

Well, what do you think? Can you see the value in
using a system like this?

I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Cheers!

For more information, please call us at (314) 222-2289 or visit

Des Peres Mortgage Advisor reveals The unexpected costs that come when buying a home

Ok, today we are going to talk about the added costs that most homebuyers don’t realize when purchasing a home. Your home is probably the biggest purchase you’ll ever make. But the expenses don’t stop with the price. Here are some additional costs you need to budget for. If you're looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Des Peres, call us at (314) 222-2289.

Des Peres Mortgage Advisor reveals 5 simple steps to achieve any goal
Michael McCarthy Flat Branch Home Loans
12 Views · 5 years ago

OK, today we’re going to talk about how to achieve your goals. Any chump can set a goal. But it takes a champ to achieve it! So, what separates the champs from all the rest? I’m glad you asked. Here are 5 simple steps to achieve any goal. If you're looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Des Peres, call us at (314) 222-2289.

Des Peres Mortgage Advisor reveals 5 quick & easy ways to save money

Ok, today we are going to talk about a few ways to save money in under 30 minutes. After all, saving money doesn’t have to be time-consuming. Here are 5 quick and easy ways to start saving right now. If you're looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Des Peres, call us at (314) 222-2289.

Des Peres Mortgage Advisor reveals 10 Ways to Increase Home Value

Renovating your home can be an effective way to increase its resale value. But not all renovations are created equal—and none are guaranteed to repay 100% of their cost. However, by renovating strategically, you can increase your selling price enough that a significant portion of the renovation costs are passed on to the future owner. Here are the Top 10 renovation projects, ranked by average payback as a percentage of cost. If you're looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Des Peres, call us at (314) 222-2289.

The #1 question every smart seller wants to know...
John Greer Realtor Tips
8 Views · 5 years ago

What’s the single, most important question
every smart home seller wants you to answer
at their listing presentation?

HINT: it's probably not what you think.

Here's the shocking truth...

For more information please call us at (844) 846-6688 or visit

Play this Video At Your Listing Presentations....
John Greer Realtor Tips
11 Views · 5 years ago

How would you like to turn more of your listing
presentations into actual signed listing agreements?

What if all you had to do to BOOST your conversion
ratio was to simply play a short 3-minute video?

That's right. Just show up, open your laptop, press play,
then bring the barbecue sauce baby... your seller
clients will be done like dinner! Seriously.

I know that sounds like a bold promise, but once you
see this thing for yourself you'll understand why it
works so well!

Check it out...

.For more information please call us at (844) 846-6688 or visit

The easiest way to increase your income…
John Greer Realtor Tips
5 Views · 5 years ago

One of the easiest, fastest ways to increase your income
(without increasing your workload), is to improve your
success ratio at your listing presentations.

The question is HOW?

With that in mind, I just created a brand new video
sharing a few little tips that can make a BIG difference.

Check it out…

For more information please call us at (844) 846-6688 or visit

This can easily boost your listing success rate by 20%!
John Greer Realtor Tips
5 Views · 5 years ago

Here's a little trick you can use to easily increase your
success rate at your listing presentations by 10 to 20%...

Get your mortgage professional to send an "ENDORSEMENT LETTER"
to the home seller in ADVANCE of the listing presentation,
edifying YOU as the #1 choice for selling their home!

Here's how it works...

For more information please call us at (844) 846-6688 or visit

Newport Beach Loan Originator reveals Divorce and Your Home.
John Greer Home Loans
6 Views · 5 years ago

If you know anyone who is currently going through a divorce, please share this important email with them. They'll be glad you did. :) After all, deciding on how to deal with the break-up of the family home can be the most intimidating and potentially devastating part of ending a marriage. What is needed most during this uncertain and confusing time is some unemotional, straightforward information and advice. Here's what you need to know before you sell your home. If you're looking for a top-notch mortgage loan originator in Newport Beach, call us at (844) 846-6688.

Newport Beach Loan Originator reveals The Pros and Cons of Dividend Stocks
John Greer Home Loans
7 Views · 5 years ago

OK, here's what you need to know about dividend stocks. When a corporation earns a profit, that money can either be re-invested in the business or paid to shareholders as a dividend. Many corporations keep a portion of their earnings and pay the rest as a dividend. Since dividend stocks offer regular dividends as well as long-term equity growth, are they a better investment? Like so many questions related to investing, the answer is "yes" and "no". Here are some factors to consider. If you're looking for a top-notch mortgage loan originator in Newport Beach, call us at (844) 846-6688.

Newport Beach Loan Originator reveals How to Escape Debt Prison
John Greer Home Loans
6 Views · 5 years ago

Do you or anyone you know have mounting high-interest debt? There are few things in life that can cause more stress and strife than debt -- especially if you don't see a way out! In today's video, you'll learn how to escape debt prison... FAST. If you have $10K+ in consumer debt, this video is for you. If you're looking for a top-notch mortgage loan originator in Newport Beach, call us at (844) 846-6688.

Newport Beach Loan Originator reveals 7 Traits of Debt-Free People
John Greer Home Loans
5 Views · 5 years ago

Ok, today let's talk about debt and, more importantly, how to get out of it. Nobody sets out to get deep in debt. It just seems to happen to some people and not to others. Here are 7 traits of debt-free people that set them apart from everyone else. If you're looking for a top-notch mortgage loan originator in Newport Beach, call us at (844) 846-6688.

The #1 question every smart seller wants to know...
CA RE Agent Tips
6 Views · 5 years ago

What’s the single, most important question every smart home seller wants you to answer at their listing presentation? HINT: it's probably not what you think. Here's the shocking truth... For more information, please call us at (831) 535-3954 or visit

Play this Video At Your Listing Presentations.
CA RE Agent Tips
8 Views · 5 years ago

How would you like to turn more of your listing presentations into actual signed listing agreements? What if all you had to do to BOOST your conversion ratio was to simply play a short 3-minute video? That's right. Just show up, open your laptop, press play, then bring the barbecue sauce baby... your seller clients will be done like dinner! Seriously. I know that sounds like a bold promise, but once you see this thing for yourself you'll understand why it works so well! Check it out... For more information, please call us at (831) 535-3954 or visit

The easiest way to increase your income…
CA RE Agent Tips
7 Views · 5 years ago

One of the easiest, fastest ways to increase your income (without increasing your workload), is to improve your success ratio at your listing presentations. The question is HOW? With that in mind, I just created a brand new video sharing a few little tips that can make a BIG difference. Check it out… For more information, please call us at (831) 535-3954 or visit

This can easily boost your listing success rate by 20%!
CA RE Agent Tips
6 Views · 5 years ago

Here's a little trick you can use to easily increase your success rate at your listing presentations by 10 to 20%... Get your mortgage professional to send an "ENDORSEMENT LETTER" to the home seller in ADVANCE of the listing presentation, edifying YOU as the #1 choice for selling their home! Here's how it works... For more information, please call us at (831) 535-3954 or visit

Watsonville Loan Officer reveals Want more employee benefits?
Concept Mortgage
5 Views · 5 years ago

I have a question for you. How would you like it if your company could provide you with an exclusive Employee Mortgage Benefits Program that allowed you to $AVE BIG when buying, selling and refinancing your home? Here's a short video that explains how the program works. If you're looking for a top-notch Loan Officer in Watsonville, call us at (831) 535-3954.

Watsonville Loan Officer reveals 5 things to consider before downsizing
Concept Mortgage
9 Views · 5 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about some important things to consider before downsizing your home. In 1950, the average single-family home in the US was 1,000 square feet, and today it’s 2,600 square feet. The difference is even more dramatic when you consider how much larger families were in the 1950s! Some find themselves living in unnecessarily large homes, which leaves room for downsizing and saving. But before you rush in to selling and buying small, here are5 things to consider before downsizing. If you're looking for a top-notch Loan Officer in Watsonville, call us at (831) 535-3954.

Watsonville Loan Officer reveals How to Save for a Down Payment
Concept Mortgage
7 Views · 5 years ago

Are you considering buying a new home or investment property in the near future? If so, saving a down payment can be a challenge. But think of it this way: if you can discipline yourself to regularly set aside funds until you have a down payment, you’ll probably have no trouble making your mortgage payments. Here’s how to get started. If you're looking for a top-notch Loan Officer in Watsonville, call us at (831) 535-3954.

Showing 1841 out of 1891