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Welcome to Realtor Referral Mistake #3. In today's video tip, you'll discover the critical "X" factor that has the power to instantly transform "happy clients" into "raving fans" and "evangelists". It's a game-changer. You'll also learn the the guarded secret Top Producers use to stimulate referral frenzies, almost at will. Here's why "happy clients" still don't send you referrals... For more information call us at, 305-282-488.
Welcome to Realtor Referral Mistake #4. In today's video tip, you'll learn why most Realtors' referrals are inconsistent, unreliable and unpredictable. As a result, their income goes up and down like a Yo-Yo. Can you relate? Welcome to the club. It's not your fault. Chances are, no one ever took the time to teach how to build a steady, consistent flow of referrals. That is, until now. :) Here's how Top Producers generate referrals at will... For more information call us at, 305-282-488.
Welcome to Realtor Referral Mistake #6. This is our final installment in this series. In today's video tip, you'll learn how Top-Producing Realtors engineer their business to consistently cultivate "raving fan" clients who send them loads of red-hot referrals... without begging or asking. You see, they understand a key psychological trigger, that hardly anyone utilizes, that can literally DOUBLE the number of referrals you generate. Learn the secret to more repeat & referral business here... For more information call us at, 305-282-488.
OK, so you get a phone call from a homebuyer asking for more info on a listing... now what??? What most Realtors® do is simply answer the prospect's question and that's it. No email follow-up. No phone follow-up. No nothin'. It's no wonder they're having such a hard time selling homes – just look at their follow-up! In contrast, here's how top producing Realtors® capture leads and convert more leads into closed deals... For more information call us at, 305-282-488.
Quick question for you... Do you have a clear, concise marketing plan for making this year your best year yet? Chances are, if you're like most Realtors®, you have room for improvement. Here are a few powerful questions to help you take your business to the next level... For more information call us at, 305-282-488.
I once heard a statistic that 90% of all failure comes from quitting. Thomas Edison affirmed this when he said, “Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” If it weren't for Mr. Edison's dogged determination to keep going, after thousands of failed attempts, at creating the incandescent light bulb, who knows we might still be lighting our homes with candles! In other words, persistence beats resistance. Quitters never win and winners never quit. If you want to increase your chances of success you must have a dream worth fighting for and then resolve to never, never, never give up! Here's How to Activate the Power of Persistence... For more information call us at, 305-282-488.
I’m curious to know your thoughts on this… What would you say is the #1 biggest challenge every real estate agent faces? Is it the economy, home values, mortgage rates, inventory? Well, after extensive research, we discovered that the single most important factor to your success in any market is shockingly different than what most agents think. Here’s what we discovered… For more information call us at, 305-282-488.
With few exceptions, some of the first words we learn as kids are “Please” and “Thank you”. As parents, we're constantly reminding our kids to say these words because as a culture, we tend to be repelled by people who lack social graces. If showing appreciation is such an integral part of human interaction, how might you use appreciation to differentiate yourself and improve your marketing results? Here's how... For more information call us at, 305-282-488.
Ok, today we are going to talk about why you need homeowner’s insurance and how it keeps you protected… Homeowner’s insurance is an important and required part of home ownership. Here are the 3 main reasons why you need homeowner’s insurance… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage consultant in Eagan, call us at 651-271-4413.
Eagan Senior Mortgage Consultant reveals Pros and cons for buying an existing house vs building new…
Ok, today we are going to talk about the pros and cons for buying a house verses building new… Deciding whether to buy an existing house or build a brand new one can be complicated. There are so many factors to consider. Here’s a list of pros and cons for both building new and buying an existing home… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage consultant in Eagan, call us at 651-271-4413.
Ok, today we are going to cover 5 tips for buying a condo… Millions of people have either decided that condo living suits their budget and lifestyle better than single-family homeownership, or they purchase condos as an investment, second home, or vacation property. There are important differences between buying a home and buying a condo. So, before you make an offer… Here are 5 tips for buying a condo… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage consultant in Eagan, call us at 651-271-4413.
Ok, today we are going to talk about how you can buy a home without visiting it in person… Today, more buyers are making offers on homes sight unseen. Reasons for this could include: • Being too busy for physical shopping • Living on the other side of the country • Feeling totally comfortable with online purchases • Preferring the safety of physical distance Here are 6 tips for buying a house sight unseen… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage consultant in Eagan, call us at 651-271-4413.
Ok, today we are going to talk about how to create or update your home office space… The COVID pandemic introduced many of us to working from home. And regardless of being in a pandemic or not, many of us will continue to and have been working from home already. So now’s the time to make your home office as efficient, comfortable and uplifting as possible. Here are 6 ways to make your home office work better...If you are looking for a loan consultant in Maitland call us at, 615-509-0881.
Maitland Loan Consultant revealsWhat is a “force majeure” clause, and does it apply to your mortgage
Ok, today we are going to talk about what a force majeure clause is and where or not it applies to your mortgage… “Force majeure” is French for superior force. It’s a term used in legal documents that can sometimes let a person or business get out of a contract. Here’s what you need to know and when it could apply to you…If you are looking for a loan consultant in Maitland call us at, 615-509-0881.
Ok, today we are going to talk about 6 things you need to examine closely in a home inspection… Buying a home is a huge investment, and unfortunately, we’re not all qualified to judge whether a home is worth the money. That’s why it’s essential to hire a professional home inspector. Here are 6 things to pay extra attention to in any home inspection…If you are looking for a loan consultant in Maitland call us at, 615-509-0881.
Ok, today we are going to talk about how to convert a construction loan into a traditional mortgage… If you’re planning to build a house or do a major renovation, you usually can’t qualify for a traditional mortgage because there’s no existing home to use as collateral. What you need is a construction loan, which is based on the projected future value of the completed property. Generally, construction loans are interest-only while the house is being built. Then when construction is complete, you refinance into a regular mortgage. Here’s how the process works…If you are looking for a loan consultant in Maitland call us at, 615-509-0881.
Ok, today we are going to talk about how to manage your finances during a recession… Nobody welcomes a recession. But if you’re among the fortunate majority that still has an income and a home, a recession can actually be a time of valuable learning and growth. Here are 5 ways to manage your finances during a recession…If you are looking for a loan consultant in Maitland call us at, 615-509-0881.
Ok, today we are going to talk about how to rebuild your finances if you’ve suffered from financial abuse… Being in an unhealthy relationship could be emotionally, physically, or even financially damaging. And according to recent statistics, 99% of domestic violence also includes financial abuse. Here’s what to do if you’re in a financially abusive situation, or if you’re recovering from one…If you are looking for a loan consultant in Maitland call us at, 615-509-0881.
Ok, today we are going to talk about when it is smart to pay off your mortgage early… Being mortgage-free sounds wonderful. But as with most financial choices, there are pros and cons. Before using an inheritance, a raise or savings to pay off your mortgage early, there are some important things to consider. Here’s 7 things to consider if you want to pay your mortgage off early…If you are looking for a loan consultant in Maitland call us at, 615-509-0881.
Maitland Loan Consultant reveals4 ways to prepare your finances for a natural disaster or pandemic….
Ok, today we are going to talk about how to prepare your finances for a natural disaster or pandemic… The thing about crisis situations is that you never know when to expect them. The only way to cope is by being prepared. Here are 4 ways to prepare your finances to help you make it through challenging times…If you are looking for a loan consultant in Maitland call us at, 615-509-0881.