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Realtor Referral Mistake #6
Mark Kelvin Libario
1 Views · 13 days ago

⁣Welcome to Realtor Referral Mistake #6. This is our final installment in this series. In today's video tip, you'll learn how Top-Producing Realtors engineer their business to consistently cultivate "raving fan" clients who send them loads of red-hot referrals... without begging or asking. You see, they understand a key psychological trigger, that hardly anyone utilizes, that can literally DOUBLE the number of referrals you generate. Learn the secret to more repeat & referral business here... ⁣For more information call us at, 514-531-4817.

How to ATTRACT more Buyer Leads
Mark Kelvin Libario
1 Views · 13 days ago

⁣As you know, BUYER LEADS are the critical ingredient necessary for selling your listings FAST and for TOP DOLLAR... Now, the question is, HOW can you attract MORE of 'em, with the least amount of time, energy and money? Well, to help you in this, here are two proven strategies for ATTRACTING more quality buyer leads and gaining an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE over your competitors...⁣For more information call us at, 514-531-4817.

How to Convert More Leads into Closings!
Mark Kelvin Libario
1 Views · 13 days ago

⁣Today we're going to talk about buyer lead CONVERSION. This is one of the easiest ways to increase your income without putting in more hours. The pregnant question is... HOW can you boost your conversion ratio? Here are a few tips to get you started... ⁣For more information call us at, 514-531-4817.

How to Attract More Homebuyers...
Mark Kelvin Libario
1 Views · 13 days ago

⁣So you want more motivated homebuyers, right? The question is... HOW? Here's one of the absolute best, most effective ways to attract them BEFORE your competition does: Here's the answer... ⁣For more information call us at, 514-531-4817.

How Top Producers Capture and Convert More Leads
Mark Kelvin Libario
1 Views · 13 days ago

⁣OK, so you get a phone call from a homebuyer asking for more info on a listing... now what??? What most Realtors® do is simply answer the prospect's question and that's it. No email follow-up. No phone follow-up. No nothin'. It's no wonder they're having such a hard time selling homes – just look at their follow-up! In contrast, here's how top producing Realtors® capture leads and convert more leads into closed deals...⁣For more information call us at, 514-531-4817.

The #1 question every smart seller wants to know...
Mark Kelvin Libario
1 Views · 13 days ago

⁣What’s the single, most important question every smart home seller wants you to answer at their listing presentation? HINT: it's probably not what you think. Here's the shocking truth... ⁣For more information call us at, 514-531-4817.

How to Create an Effective Marketing Plan
Mark Kelvin Libario
1 Views · 13 days ago

⁣Quick question for you... Do you have a clear, concise marketing plan for making this year your best year yet? Chances are, if you're like most Realtors®, you have room for improvement. Here are a few powerful questions to help you take your business to the next level... ⁣For more information call us at, 514-531-4817.

The Power of Persistence
Mark Kelvin Libario
1 Views · 13 days ago

⁣I once heard a statistic that 90% of all failure comes from quitting. Thomas Edison affirmed this when he said, “Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” If it weren't for Mr. Edison's dogged determination to keep going, after thousands of failed attempts, at creating the incandescent light bulb, who knows we might still be lighting our homes with candles! In other words, persistence beats resistance. Quitters never win and winners never quit. If you want to increase your chances of success you must have a dream worth fighting for and then resolve to never, never, never give up! Here's How to Activate the Power of Persistence... ⁣For more information call us at, 514-531-4817.

Ten Tenets of Top-Producers
Mark Kelvin Libario
1 Views · 13 days ago

⁣Have you ever wondered why some Realtors® quickly skyrocket to success while the majority continues to struggle just to eke out a meager existence? We all know everyone has access to the same MLS marketing tools, so why such a disparity in results? Is the difference found in their education, intelligence, skills, timing, work habits, contacts or luck? The answer to this mystery is actually no mystery at all. If you dig down to the root cause of their success, you’ll invariably find that the common denominator of success in each and every Top Producer lies in their MINDSET or their UNIQUE WAY OF THINKING. Here are ten ways Top-Producers think differently than all the rest… ⁣For more information call us at, 514-531-4817.

Maitland Loan Consultant reveals3 steps to take before house hunting…
Amy Uhrich
1 Views · 13 days ago

⁣⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about 3 things you need to do before house hunting… Finding for your dream home is a lot easier if you get your finances in shape before you start looking. If you’re thinking about buying within the next year, now’s the perfect time to start preparing. Here are the first 3 steps to take before house hunting…⁣If you are looking for a loan consultant in Maitland call us at, 615-509-0881.

How Top-Producers Get More Done
Mark Kelvin Libario
1 Views · 13 days ago

⁣Here's an interesting question for you.... What’s the #1 factor that separates Top-Producers from the mediocre majority? Chances are you already intuitively know the answer. It's all about how they invest their time! You see, everyone has 24 hours per day. The difference between the top achievers and all the rest is how they use it. Here's how Top-Producers use their time... ⁣ For more information call us at, 514-531-4817.

Maitland Loan Consultant reveals3 green features buyers look for in a house…
Amy Uhrich
1 Views · 13 days ago

⁣⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about the top three green features buyers look for in a house… Are you looking to make upgrades to your home to make it more energy efficient? Wondering what to invest in that will help with resale? As concern for the environment continues to grow, today’s homebuyers are increasingly looking for green options. Here are the top 3 green features buyers are looking for…⁣If you are looking for a loan consultant in Maitland call us at, 615-509-0881.

Maitland Loan Consultant reveals5 home inspection red flags
Amy Uhrich
1 Views · 13 days ago

⁣⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about 5 things to look for and be aware of if they get noted in your home inspection… As any good Realtor will advise you, don’t even think about buying a house without a home inspection. Before you get emotionally attached to a home, invest a few hundred dollars in a thorough, professional home inspection. And if your report includes any of the following issues, consider walking away. Here are 5 home inspection red flags…⁣If you are looking for a loan consultant in Maitland call us at, 615-509-0881.

Maitland Loan Consultant reveals4 ways to test drive a neighbourhood before you buy…
Amy Uhrich
1 Views · 13 days ago

⁣⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about an important thing you should do before you buy in an area… test drive the neighbourhood! You wouldn’t think of buying a car without driving it first. And buying new shoes usually involves wearing them around the store a couple of times. So how do you know you’ll actually like the neighbourhood you’re considering, unless you try it out? Here are 4 ways to test drive a neighbourhood… ⁣⁣If you are looking for a loan consultant in Maitland call us at, 615-509-0881.

Maitland Loan Consultant reveals6 tips for paying off credit card debt…
Amy Uhrich
1 Views · 13 days ago

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about how to pay off your credit card so you can live a stress-free future… If you’re like most people, emergencies, illnesses, job losses or more can put a dent in your credit cards. To make matters worse, most credit cards have high interest rates that make them difficult to pay off. But paying off your cards is exactly what you need to do to achieve a secure and stress-free financial future. Here are 6 tips for paying off your credit cards…⁣If you are looking for a loan consultant in Maitland call us at, 615-509-0881.

Realtor Marketing Sin #5
Amy Uhrich
1 Views · 13 days ago

⁣Welcome to Real Estate Marketing Sin #5. "I know that 50% of my advertising is wasted... I just don't know which half!" - John Wanamaker There's nothing worse than spending money on a marketing campaign and not knowing whether it worked or not. It's even worse when you continue to spend money on a marketing campaign that you think is working, but really isn't. There's only one thing worse than moving in the wrong direction, and that's moving in the wrong direction enthusiastically! Here's the only way to invest in your marketing efforts with confidence and sustainability.... ⁣For more information call us at, 615-509-0881.

Secret #5 of Superstar Realtors
Amy Uhrich
1 Views · 13 days ago

⁣Ever wondered how some Realtors attract clients with ease while others struggle just to get their prospect's attention? In today's secret, you'll learn how you can be one of the elite few Realtors who can command the attention of their prospects. Click here to watch the fifth secret... ⁣For more information call us at, 615-509-0881.

Secret #11 of Superstar Realtors
Amy Uhrich
1 Views · 13 days ago

⁣Today you'll learn how Superstar Realtors have the uncanny ability to get things done, open new doors, and create profitable referral alliances. This message will be very important to your career so click the link below and watch to today's message. Here's how Top Dog Realtors make it happen: ⁣For more information call us at, 615-509-0881.

Secret #13 of Superstar Realtors
Amy Uhrich
1 Views · 13 days ago

⁣Have you ever heard someone say I run my business "By Referral ONLY"? Well, today's controversial message will reveal why that is the absolute worst strategy for building a stable business with a rock-solid income stream! Don't believe me? Take a moment and watch to today's video and you'll discover the key to consistently growing your income -- even in a down market... ⁣For more information call us at, 615-509-0881.

Secret #14 of Superstar Realtors
Amy Uhrich
1 Views · 13 days ago

⁣How many times have you said to yourself, "I wish I knew how to get the best bang for my buck on my advertising dollars?" Well today you're going to learn the advertising secrets that Superstar Realtors use to get at least 200% higher response rates than the average Realtor. Here exactly how they do it: ⁣For more information call us at, 615-509-0881.

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