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Realtor Marketing Sin #7
Jennifer Ryan
2 Views · 29 days ago

⁣Welcome to Real Estate Marketing Sin #7. When it comes to effective Realtor marketing, there are 3 keys to success: 1. The right market - the people who are most likely to need, want and pay for your services 2. The right message - that hits the hot buttons of your target market and elicits response 3. The right media - that delivers your message to the highest concentration of your target message If any one of these 3 critical components is missing from your marketing plan, your results will suffer. Here's how you can supercharge your results...⁣For more information call us at, 403-862-4655

Realtor Marketing Sin #8
Jennifer Ryan
2 Views · 29 days ago

⁣ Welcome to Real Estate Marketing Sin #8. Did you know that your prospect receives, on average, over 3,000 marketing impressions a day? With all the "marketing clutter" bombarding your prospects' on a daily basis, it's becoming more and more difficult to capture people's attention, let alone get a response! So, how do you differentiate your business in a way that separates you from the competition and makes you STAND OUT? Here's exactly how you do it...⁣For more information call us at, 403-862-4655

Calgary Mortgage Broker reveals4 ways to prepare your finances for a natural disaster or pandemic….
Jennifer Ryan
2 Views · 29 days ago

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about how to prepare your finances for a natural disaster or pandemic… The thing about crisis situations is that you never know when to expect them. The only way to cope is by being prepared. Here are 4 ways to prepare your finances to help you make it through challenging times…⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage broker in Calgary call us at, 403-862-4655

21 Secrets of Superstar Realtors®
Jennifer Ryan
2 Views · 29 days ago

⁣Why do some Realtors® have all the clients they can handle, while others seem to struggle? Is it because they are smarter than all the other Realtors® or is it because they simply work harder? Perhaps neither. After analyzing the habits, attributes and character traits of hundreds of real estate professionals over the years, we've identified the "secrets" that separate the Top 1% highest-income-earning Realtors® from all the rest. And for your benefit, we've decided to distill all these traits down into 21 specific things that create superstar Realtors® and allow them to pick and choose who they work with, and have all the clients they can handle. Are you ready for the 1st secret of Superstar Realtors®? Here it is...⁣For more information call us at, 403-862-4655

Secret #6 of Superstar Realtors
Jennifer Ryan
2 Views · 29 days ago

⁣Today's video will unveil the secret to commanding high commissions, have people begging for your services, and be perceived as the ONLY viable solution by your prospective clients. Click here to watch the sixth secret...⁣For more information call us at, 403-862-4655

Secret #7 of Superstar Realtors
Jennifer Ryan
2 Views · 29 days ago

⁣Have you ever wondered why some Realtors always seem to be in the right place at just the right time to win the listing or close the deal? In today's 7th secret of Superstar Realtors, you'll learn why it's no fluke. Here’s how they do it...⁣For more information call us
at, 403-862-4655

Secret #11 of Superstar Realtors
Jennifer Ryan
2 Views · 29 days ago

⁣Today you'll learn how Superstar Realtors have the uncanny ability to get things done, open new doors, and create profitable referral alliances. This message will be very important to your career so click the link below and watch to today's message. Here's how Top Dog Realtors make it happen:⁣For more information call us
at, 403-862-4655

Secret #12 of Superstar Realtors
Jennifer Ryan
2 Views · 29 days ago

⁣Today you'll discover how Superstar Realtors set themselves apart from their competitors and position yourself as the only logical choice in your prospects' mind. Here's exactly how they do it:⁣For more information call us
at, 403-862-4655

Secret #14 of Superstar Realtors
Jennifer Ryan
2 Views · 29 days ago

⁣How many times have you said to yourself, "I wish I knew how to get the best bang for my buck on my advertising dollars?" Well today you're going to learn the advertising secrets that Superstar Realtors use to get at least 200% higher response rates than the average Realtor. Here exactly how they do it:⁣For more information call us
at, 403-862-4655

Secret #18 of Superstar Realtors
Jennifer Ryan
2 Views · 29 days ago

⁣How many times have you said to yourself, "I wish I had more time so I could get more done"? Sound familiar? Welcome to the club. Now here's a blinding flash of the obvious: You'll never get it all done! There will always be more on our To-Do list than we have time to implement. The key to increasing your productivity is not in putting in more hours, but rather, putting more into your hours. It's all about working SMART, not hard. Here's how Superstar Realtors make it happen...⁣For more information call us
at, 403-862-4655

Calgary Mortgage Broker reveals10 factors that determine your home’s value…
Jennifer Ryan
2 Views · 29 days ago

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about 10 factors that determine your home’s value… Coming up with the right price for your home is a science. It’s not based on how much you love your home or how much money you need to get out of it. It’s based on what a potential buyer is willing to pay for a home like yours in the current market. Here are 10 factors that determine your home’s worth…⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage broker in Calgary call us at, 403-862-4655

The #1 Secret to More Sales
Jennifer Ryan
2 Views · 29 days ago

⁣Do you ever wish clients would naturally understand your unique value and be attracted to working with you... without having to "sell" them on your services? Well, I've got good news for you... In today's video, you're going to learn the #1 secret for dominating your local market, eliminating sales resistance, boosting your sales and earning more while working less. I know that sounds like an incredible claim in a world full of hype, but stay with me for a moment and you’ll see for yourself. Learn the #1 Secret to More Sales Here:⁣For more information call us
at, 403-862-4655

7 “Trust Builders” Every Realtor Needs to Know...
Jennifer Ryan
2 Views · 29 days ago

⁣In last week's video, we talked about the importance of building TRUST EQUITY with your prospects, clients and referral partners... ...and highlighted the Top 10 Ways People Know You're a Dangerous Salesman to Be Avoided. Now the pregnant question is... how do we build more TRUST EQUITY? Here are 7 “Trust Builders” Every Realtor Needs to Know...⁣For more information call us
at, 403-862-4655

7 ways to profit from testimonials...
Jennifer Ryan
2 Views · 29 days ago

⁣Welcome to the final video in our brand new 5-part video series titled, "TRUST: How to Earn it, Grow It and Use It to Skyrocket Your Sales." Today I’m giving you… • 3 proven methods for driving traffic to your testimonial capture page • The anatomy of a killer-effective “testimonial magnet” email campaign designed to get more of your clients to send you rave reviews. And last but not least... • 7 ways to profit from your testimonials once you get them so you can milk them for all they’re worth. Learn the 7 ways to profit from testimonials here...⁣For more information call us
at, 403-862-4655

6 Deadly Mistakes That Kill Your Referrals
Jennifer Ryan
2 Views · 28 days ago

⁣How would you like to attract more sizzling, red-hot referrals from your past clients? Well, you'll be glad to know I just put together a brand new 6-part video series for you titled, "6 Deadly Mistakes That Kill Your Referrals" that teaches how to do exactly that -- become a referral magnet. By avoiding these six costly mistakes and implementing effective "referral systems" you can literally skyrocket your referrals almost overnight. OK, enough prelude already. Here's the very first Referral Mistake to avoid...⁣For more information call us
at, 403-862-4655

Realtor Referral Mistake #2
Jennifer Ryan
2 Views · 28 days ago

⁣Welcome to Realtor Referral Mistake #2. In today's video tip, you're going to learn why most Realtors are unwittingly sabotaging their "referrability" and therfore, leaving thousands of dollars on the table. It also explains why most Realtors get WAY less referrals than they'd like or even feel like they deserve. HINT: It's not because of bad B.O. or halitosis. :) Here's why "great service" doesn't get you referrals... ⁣For more information call us
at, 403-862-4655

Realtor Referral Mistake #4
Jennifer Ryan
2 Views · 28 days ago

⁣Welcome to Realtor Referral Mistake #4. In today's video tip, you'll learn why most Realtors' referrals are inconsistent, unreliable and unpredictable. As a result, their income goes up and down like a Yo-Yo. Can you relate? Welcome to the club. It's not your fault. Chances are, no one ever took the time to teach how to build a steady, consistent flow of referrals. That is, until now. :) Here's how Top Producers generate referrals at will...⁣For more information call us
at, 403-862-4655

How to ATTRACT more Buyer Leads
Jennifer Ryan
2 Views · 28 days ago

⁣As you know, BUYER LEADS are the critical ingredient necessary for selling your listings FAST and for TOP DOLLAR... Now, the question is, HOW can you attract MORE of 'em, with the least amount of time, energy and money? Well, to help you in this, here are two proven strategies for ATTRACTING more quality buyer leads and gaining an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE over your competitors...⁣For more information call us
at, 403-862-4655

How to Attract More Homebuyers...
Jennifer Ryan
2 Views · 28 days ago

⁣So you want more motivated homebuyers, right? The question is... HOW? Here's one of the absolute best, most effective ways to attract them BEFORE your competition does: Here's the answer...⁣For more information call us
at, 403-862-4655

How Top Producers Capture and Convert More Leads
Jennifer Ryan
2 Views · 28 days ago

⁣OK, so you get a phone call from a homebuyer asking for more info on a listing... now what??? What most Realtors® do is simply answer the prospect's question and that's it. No email follow-up. No phone follow-up. No nothin'. It's no wonder they're having such a hard time selling homes – just look at their follow-up! In contrast, here's how top producing Realtors® capture leads and convert more leads into closed deals...⁣For more information call us
at, 403-862-4655

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