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Realtors’ #1 Biggest Challenge?
Brian's Money Tips
2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣I’m curious to know your thoughts on this… What would you say is the #1 biggest challenge every real estate agent faces? Is it the economy, home values, mortgage rates, inventory? Well, after extensive research, we discovered that the single most important factor to your success in any market is shockingly different than what most agents think. Here’s what we discovered… ⁣For more information call us at, 760.716.4041 or visit

Million Dollar Referral Script.
Brian's Money Tips
2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Before we get into today's tip, let me ask you a couple questions... Do ever feel AWKWARD when trying to ask for referrals? Do you think you might ask for referrals more CONSISTENTLY if you had a more elegant, graceful and effective way of going about it? What if I could provide you with the exact same script that helped a financial planner in the little obscure town of Weirton, West Virginia, build a multi-million dollar business? Here's the million dollar referral script. ⁣For more information call us at, 760.716.4041 or visit

How Top-Producers Get More Done
Brian's Money Tips
2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Here's an interesting question for you.... What’s the #1 factor that separates Top-Producers from the mediocre majority? Chances are you already intuitively know the answer. It's all about how they invest their time! You see, everyone has 24 hours per day. The difference between the top achievers and all the rest is how they use it. Here's how Top-Producers use their time. ⁣For more information call us at, 760.716.4041 or visit

South Hampton mortgage broker reveals How to buy a house that’s not on the market…
Brian's Money Minute
2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Today we are going to talk about how to buy a house that’s not on the market… In a competitive real estate market, it may be difficult to find the house you’re looking for. And when you finally find it, you could be outbid by another buyer. That’s why many buyers are looking for homes BEFORE they’re listed. Here’s how to buy a house that’s not yet listed on the market… ⁣If you are looking
for a top-notch mortgage broker in South Hampton call us at, 519-894-2121

South Hampton mortgage broker reveals 6 things to pay extra attention to in any home inspection…
Brian's Money Minute
2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about 6 things you need to examine closely in a home inspection… Buying a home is a huge investment, and unfortunately, we’re not all qualified to judge whether a home is worth the money. That’s why it’s essential to hire a professional home inspector. Here are 6 things to pay extra attention to in any home inspection… ⁣If you are looking
for a top-notch mortgage broker in South Hampton call us at, 519-894-2121

South Hampton mortgage broker reveals Why you need homeowner’s insurance and what it covers…
Brian's Money Minute
2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about why you need homeowner’s insurance and how it keeps you protected… Homeowner’s insurance is an important and required part of home ownership. Here are the 3 main reasons why you need homeowner’s insurance… ⁣If you are looking
for a top-notch mortgage broker in South Hampton call us at, 519-894-2121

South Hampton mortgage broker reveals What’s a stratified market?
Brian's Money Minute
2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about what a stratified market is and what it means to you… If you’re planning to buy or sell a house, you’re probably already familiar with the terms “buyer’s market” and “seller’s market.” In a buyer’s market, there are more homes than buyers, so prices drop and buyers get better deals. In a seller’s market there are more buyers than homes, so prices rise and sellers make more money. But there’s a third type of market, and it’s called a stratified market. Here’s what you need to know… ⁣If you are looking
for a top-notch mortgage broker in South Hampton call us at, 519-894-2121

South Hampton mortgage broker reveals 5 steps to a stress free long-distance move…
Brian's Money Minute
2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about how to make a long-distance move stress free… Major life changes are always stressful. And moving from one city or region to another is definitely a major change. Here are 5 steps you can take to help eliminate the stress of moving… ⁣If you are looking
for a top-notch mortgage broker in South Hampton call us at, 519-894-2121

South Hampton mortgage broker reveals 4 risks of home equity loans…
Brian's Money Minute
2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about 4 risks of home equity loans… A home equity loan lets you borrow some of the equity you’ve built up in your home. For most people home equity loans are a convenient, affordable way to access extra cash. But they’re not without risk. Here are 4 things to consider before applying for a home equity loan… ⁣If you are looking
for a top-notch mortgage broker in South Hampton call us at, 519-894-2121

Realtor Marketing Sin #7
Motto Mortgage Realtor Tips
2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Welcome to Real Estate Marketing Sin #7. When it comes to effective Realtor marketing, there are 3 keys to success: 1. The right market - the people who are most likely to need, want and pay for your services 2. The right message - that hits the hot buttons of your target market and elicits response 3. The right media - that delivers your message to the highest concentration of your target message If any one of these 3 critical components is missing from your marketing plan, your results will suffer. Here's how you can supercharge your results...⁣ ⁣For more information call us at, 706.302.9016 Visit

Realtor Marketing Sin #3
Gerald's Money Minute
2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Welcome to Real Estate Marketing Sin #3. Ever wondered how fast food franchises like McDonalds or Wendy's run like finely-oiled cash machines? Notice how they do the same things, the same way, every single time. Unfortunately, most Realtors never take the time to systematize" their business, which results in duplication, waste, chaos and ultimately, lost sales. Here are 4 types of "systems" to implement in your biz. In next week's tip, you'll learn the secret for maximizing your repeat and referral business. Stay tuned. ⁣For more information call us at (⁣614) 260-2829.

New Braunfels mortgage advisor reveals 4 tips for paying off your mortgage sooner…
Erica's Money Minute
2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Today we are going to talk about how to pay off your mortgage sooner (without breaking the bank)… Getting a mortgage may seem like a life sentence. You’ll be chipping away at it for decades to come—and there’s no time off for good behavior! But in reality, there are some relatively painless things you can do to pay off your mortgage sooner and save interest! Here are 4 tips for paying off your mortgage sooner… ⁣If you are looking
for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Braunfels call us at, 210-279-4392

Secret #11 of Superstar Realtors
Alison Garcia Mortgage Cents
2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Today you'll learn how Superstar Realtors have the uncanny ability to get things done, open new doors, and create profitable referral alliances. This message will be very important to your career so click the link below and watch to today's message. Here's how Top Dog Realtors make it happen: ⁣For more information
please call us at, 806.316.3590 or visit

Spring Mortgage Advisor reveals 7 tips for using a budget tracking app to manage your finances…
Keala's Money Minute
2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Today we are going to talk about how to use budget tracking apps but stay safe doing it… Budget tracking apps like Quicken and can be a great way to manage household finances. But considering all the personal financial information you enter into these apps, are they safe to use? Most experts agree the apps are generally safe; it’s the people using them who pose the greatest risk. Here are 7 tips for using a budget tracking app (while keeping your info safe)… ⁣If you are looking
for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Spring call us at, 559.306.7676

Realtor Marketing Sin #4

⁣⁣Welcome to Real Estate Marketing Sin #4. Most Realtors believe -- either consciously or unconsciously -- that once you "close the deal" and the client walks out the door, then the deed is done and you just move on to the next prospect. What they don't realize is that their next prospect might have just walked out the door! Most Realtors tend to be "hunters" instead of "harvesters". Top producers, on the hand, understand the importance of both. They understand that a new customer typically costs 5 to 10 times more than a repeat customer. That's why they focus on getting 60% to 70% of their business from their existing client database through referrals and repeat business -- and you should too! Here's how they do it. In next week's tip, you'll learn the secret for mitigating the risk of losing money when advertising and how to boost the ROI on every ad dollar you invest. Stay tuned.⁣ ⁣⁣For more information call us at, 519.999.0901 Or Visit

8 Realtor Marketing Sins
Martin's Mortgage Minute
2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Have you ever wondered why some Realtors quickly skyrocket to success while the majority continues to struggle just to eke out a meager existence? Little things make a big difference. That's true in marriage, parenting, and in marketing yourself as a Realtor. Too often as business owners we get caught up in the "thick" of "thin things" and we lose touch with what really drives success in our business. In this new 8-part video series, I'm going to highlight 8 deadly real estate marketing sins that could be crippling your business growth. Here's Real Estate Marketing Sin #1. For more information, call us at ⁣(941)780-7164.

Spring Mortgage Advisor reveals Is hiring a real estate agent really worth it?
Keala's Money Minute
2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about the expense of hiring a real estate agent and if it’s really worth it to you… When you’re selling a home, so much money is at stake, you can’t afford to make a mistake. That’s why over 90% of buyers and sellers work with a Realtor. But let’s face it, Real estate commissions are expensive. Are Realtors really worth it? Here’s what good Realtors do to earn every penny of their commissions… ⁣If you are looking
for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Spring call us at, 559.306.7676

Secret #3 of Superstar Realtors
Seal The Deal with Keala
2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Welcome to the 3rd secret of Superstar Realtors. In today's secret, you'll learn a very different approach to marketing your real estate services. This one approach has more power to build your real estate business than any other strategy available. Click here to listen to the third secret...In next week's 4th secret, you'll learn how top-producing Realtors get most of their leads and how you can too. ⁣For more information please call us at, 559.306.7676 or visit

Secret #4 of Superstar Realtors.
Seal The Deal with Keala
2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣Welcome to the 4th secret of Superstar Realtors. In today's secret I unlock the mystery to creating a constant stream of qualified leads that come to you instead of the other way around. All the Superstar Realtors I know use this tactic and you should too. Click here to listen to the fourth secret...In the upcoming 5th secret you'll learn why Superstar Realtors can charge higher fees than all their competitors and still have clients lined up around the block to use their services .Stay tuned. ⁣⁣For more information please call us at, 559.306.7676 or visit

Secret #13 of Superstar Realtors
Seal The Deal with Keala
2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Have you ever heard someone say I run my business "By Referral ONLY"? Well, today's controversial message will reveal why that is the absolute worst strategy for building a stable business with a rock-solid income stream! Don't believe me? Take a moment and watch to today's video and you'll discover the key to consistently growing your income --even in a down market... In next week's 14th secret, you'll learn why most real estate advertising doesn't work and how superstar Realtors get 200-1000% higher response rates than average Realtors. Tune in to this upcoming video and learn the secretsto improving your return on your ad dollars .Stay tuned. ⁣⁣For more information please call us at, 559.306.7676 or visit

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