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7 “Trust Builders” Every Realtor Needs to Know...
Mike's Marketing for Success Minute
2 Views · 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣In last week's video, we talked about the importance of building TRUST EQUITY with your prospects, clients and referral partners......and highlighted the Top 10 Ways People Know You're a Dangerous Salesman to Be Avoided. Now the pregnant question is... how do we build more TRUST EQUITY? Here are 7 “Trust Builders” Every Realtor Needs to Know... ⁣ ⁣For more information call us at, 508.208.2548 Or visit

How to capture testimonials on autopilot...
Mike's Marketing for Success Minute
2 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Welcome to video #4 in our brand new 5-part video series titled," TRUST: How to Earn it, Grow It and Use It to Skyrocket Your Sales." Last week, I revealed the #1 secret for boosting your sales. Today I’m going to show you how to create your own testimonial capture page, so you can automate the entire process of collecting testimonials. ⁣For more information call us at, 508.208.2548 Or visit

7 ways to profit from testimonials...
Mike's Marketing for Success Minute
2 Views · 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Welcome to the final video in our brand new 5-part video series titled,"TRUST: How to Earn it, Grow It and Use It to Skyrocket Your Sales."Today I’m giving you...• 3 proven methods for driving traffic to your testimonial capture page • The anatomy of a killer-effective “testimonial magnet” email campaign designed to get more of your clients to send you rave reviews. And last but not least...• 7 ways to profit from your testimonials once you get them so you can milk them for all they’re worth. Learn the 7 ways to profit from testimonials here. ⁣ ⁣For more information call us at, 508.208.2548 Or visit

How to Convert More Leads into Closings!
Mike's Marketing for Success Minute
2 Views · 3 years ago

⁣⁣Today we're going to talk about buyer lead CONVERSION. This is one of the easiest ways to increase your income without putting in more hours. The pregnant question is... HOW can you boost your conversion ratio? ⁣For more information call us at, 508.208.2548 Or visit

Ten Tenets of Top-Producers
Mike's Marketing for Success Minute
2 Views · 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣Have you ever wondered why some Realtors® quickly skyrocket to success while the majority continues to struggle just to eke out a meager existence? We all know everyone has access to the same MLS marketing tools, so why such a disparity in results? Is the difference found in their education, intelligence, skills, timing, work habits, contacts or luck? The answer to this mystery is actually no mystery at all. If you dig down to the root cause of their success, you’ll invariably find that the common denominator of success in each and every Top Producer lies in their MINDSET or their UNIQUE WAY OF THINKING. Here are ten ways Top-Producers think differently than all the rest… ⁣ ⁣For more information call us at, 508.208.2548 Or visit

South Easton mortgage advisor reveals Saving for home renovations? Here’s how to budget...
Mike's Money Minute
2 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about how much home renovations can cost… Renovations can help make your home more comfortable and easier to sell. But depending on what you’re planning, they can also be expensive. To help you budget for your next project, the HomeAdvisor website has published a list of typical costs for renovation projects. Here’s a list of the most common renos and how much they cost… ⁣If you are looking
for a top-notch mortgage advisor in South Easton call us at, 508-208-2548

Realtor Marketing Sin #4
Manara Marketing Moments
2 Views · 3 years ago

⁣⁣Welcome to Real Estate Marketing Sin #4. Most Realtors tend to be "hunters" instead of "harvesters". Top producers, on the hand, understand the importance of both. They understand that a new customer typically costs 5 to 10 times more than a repeat customer. That's why they focus on getting 60% to 70% of their business from their existing client database through referrals and repeat business -- and you should too! Here's how they do it... ⁣⁣For more information call us at,201.951.3755 Or visit

Realtor Marketing Sin #3

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Welcome to Real Estate Marketing Sin #3. Ever wondered how fast food franchises like McDonalds or Wendy's run like finely-oiled cash machines? Notice how they do the same things, the same way, every single time. Unfortunately, most Realtors never take the time to "systematize" their business, which results in duplication, waste, chaos and ultimately, lost sales. Here are 4 types of "systems" to implement in your biz... ⁣For more information call us at,503.358.1687 Or visit

Realtor Marketing Sin #4

⁣⁣⁣⁣Welcome to Real Estate Marketing Sin #4. Most Realtors tend to be "hunters" instead of "harvesters". Top producers, on the hand, understand the importance of both. They understand that a new customer typically costs 5 to 10 times more than a repeat customer. That's why they focus on getting 60% to 70% of their business from their existing client database through referrals and repeat business -- and you should too! Here's how they do it. ⁣ ⁣⁣⁣For more information call us at,503.358.1687 Or visit

Realtor Marketing Sin #6

⁣⁣Welcome to Real Estate Marketing Sin #6. Studies have shown that 81% of all sales happen on or after the fifth contact. If you're a Realtor and you're only following up on your leads a few times before giving up, just imagine how much business you're leaving on the table! Spending money on advertising but while not having a system in place that continuously and regularly follows up on your prospects, clients and referral partners is like filling up your bathtub without first putting the stopper in the drain -- it's a complete waste. Here are 3 keys for creating an effective follow-up system... ⁣For more information call us at,503.358.1687 Or visit

Secret #4 of Superstar Realtors.

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Welcome to the 4th secret of Superstar Realtors. In today's secret I unlock the mystery to creating a constant stream of qualified leads that come to you instead of the other way around. All the Superstar Realtors I know use this tactic and you should too. Click here to listen to the fourth secret...In the upcoming 5th secret you'll learn why Superstar Realtors can charge higher fees than all their competitors and still have clients lined up around the block to use their services .Stay tuned. ⁣For more information call us at,503.358.1687 Or visit

Secret #5 of Superstar Realtors.

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Ever wondered how some Realtors attract clients with ease while others struggle just to get their prospect's attention? In today's secret, you'll learn how you can be one of the elite few Realtors who can command the attention of their prospects. Click here to watch the fifth secret... In the upcoming 6th secret, you'll learn how you can double your commissions, and have people virtually begging to work with you, and be perceived as the ONLY logical choice in your prospect's mind. Stay tuned --you won't want to miss the next secret... ⁣⁣For more information call us at,503.358.1687 Or visit

Secret #6 of Superstar Realtors.

⁣⁣⁣Today's video will unveil the secret to commanding high commissions, have people begging for your services, and be perceived as the ONLY viable solution by your prospective clients. Click here to watch the fifth secret...Today's video will unveil the secret to commanding high commissions, have people begging for your services, and be perceived as the ONLY viable solution by your prospective clients. Click here to watch the fifth secret In the upcoming 7th secret, you'll discover how to convert more of your prospects into closed deals and create loyal clients for life. Stay tuned. ⁣ ⁣For more information call us at,503.358.1687 Or visit

Secret #12 of Superstar Realtors

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Today you'll discover how Superstar Realtors set themselves apart from their competitors and position yourself as the only logical choice in your prospects' mind. Here's exactly how they do it: In next week's 13th secret, you'll discover the reason why Superstar Realtors never have to worry about market trends or whether rates are going up or down--they keep succeeding regardless. Tune into the next secret and learn how you too can competition proof your business. Don't miss it! Stay tuned. ⁣For more information call us at,503.358.1687 Or visit

Secret #14 of Superstar Realtors.

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣How many times have you said to yourself, "I wish I knew how to get the best bang for my buck on my advertising dollars?" Well today you're going to learn the advertising secrets that Superstar Realtors use to get at least 200% higher response rates than the average Realtor. Here exactly how they do it:In next week's 15th secret, you'll learn a powerful marketing strategy that Superstar Realtors use to get huge floods of leads with little time or effort! Stay tuned. ⁣For more information call us at,503.358.1687 Or visit

Secret #18 of Superstar Realtors

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣How many times have you said to yourself, "I wish I had more time so I could get more done"? Sound familiar? Welcome to the club. Now here's a blinding flash of the obvious: You'll never get it all done! There will always be more on our To-Do list than we have time to implement. The key to increasing your productivity is not in putting in more hours, but rather, putting more into your hours. It's all about working SMART, not hard. Here's how Superstar Realtors make it happen...In next week's 19th secret, you will learn about a powerful lead generation secret that NO ONE knows about --that can literally launch your profits into orbit. Stay tuned.. ⁣⁣⁣For more information call us at,503.358.1687 Or visit

Secret #13 of Superstar Realtors
Blythe's RE Minute
2 Views · 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Have you ever heard someone say I run my business "By Referral ONLY"? Well, today's controversial message will reveal why that is the absolute worst strategy for building a stable business with a rock-solid income stream! Don't believe me? Take a moment and watch to today's video and you'll discover the key to consistently growing your income --even in a down market... In next week's 14th secret, you'll learn why most real estate advertising doesn't work and how superstar Realtors get 200-1000% higher response rates than average Realtors. Tune in to this upcoming video and learn the secretsto improving your return on your ad dollars .Stay tuned. ⁣⁣For more information call us at, 205.660.1981

The #1 Secret to More Sales
Blythe's RE Minute
2 Views · 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣Do you ever wish clients would naturally understand your unique value and be attracted to working with you... without having to "sell" them on your services? Well, I've got good news for you...In today's video, you're going to learn the #1 secret for dominating your local market, eliminating sales resistance, boosting your sales and earning more while working less. I know that sounds like an incredible claim in a world full of hype, but stay with me for a moment and you’ll see for yourself. Learn the #1 Secret to More Sales Here: ⁣ ⁣For more information call us at, 205.660.1981

Birmingham mortgage consultant reveals How to finance and custom-built home..
Blythe's Money Tips
2 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about how to convert a construction loan into a traditional mortgage… If you’re planning to build a house or do a major renovation, you usually can’t qualify for a traditional mortgage because there’s no existing home to use as collateral. What you need is a construction loan, which is based on the projected future value of the completed property. Generally, construction loans are interest-only while the house is being built. Then when construction is complete, you refinance into a regular mortgage. Here’s how the process works… ⁣If you are looking
for a top-notch mortgage consultant in Birmingham call us at, 205-660-1981

Birmingham mortgage consultant reveals
Blythe's Money Tips
2 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about how much home renovations can cost… Renovations can help make your home more comfortable and easier to sell. But depending on what you’re planning, they can also be expensive. To help you budget for your next project, the HomeAdvisor website has published a list of typical costs for renovation projects. Here’s a list of the most common renos and how much they cost… ⁣If you are looking
for a top-notch mortgage consultant in Birmingham call us at, 205-660-1981

Showing 1846 out of 1909