Ok, today we are going to talk about how to convert a construction loan into a traditional mortgage… If you’re planning to build a house or do a major renovation, you usually can’t qualify for a traditional mortgage because there’s no existing home to use as collateral. What you need is a construction loan, which is based on the projected future value of the completed property. Generally, construction loans are interest-only while the house is being built. Then when construction is complete, you refinance into a regular mortgage. Here’s how the process works…If you are looking for looking for a top-notch senior loan originator in Weston call us at, 305-335-6155
Weston Senior Loan Originator revealsWhat is a “force majeure” clause, and does it apply to your mor
Ok, today we are going to talk about what a force majeure clause is and where or not it applies to your mortgage… “Force majeure” is French for superior force. It’s a term used in legal documents that can sometimes let a person or business get out of a contract. Here’s what you need to know and when it could apply to you… If you are looking for looking for a top-notch senior loan originator in Weston call us at, 305-335-6155
Today we are going to talk about how to buy a house that’s not on the market… In a competitive real estate market, it may be difficult to find the house you’re looking for. And when you finally find it, you could be outbid by another buyer. That’s why many buyers are looking for homes BEFORE they’re listed. Here’s how to buy a house that’s not yet listed on the market…If you are looking for looking for a top-notch senior loan originator in Weston call us at, 305-335-6155
Ok, today we are going to talk about what cash reserves are and why you need them to buy a home… When buying a house, most people only think about saving enough to cover a down payment and closing costs. But lenders like to see more than that. Borrowers who have additional “cash reserves” are considered lower risk and are more likely to be approved for financing at the lowest possible rate. So, what are “cash reserves” and how can they benefit you? Take a look…If you are looking for looking for a top-notch senior loan originator in Weston call us at, 305-335-6155
Ok, today we are going to talk about how to finance a new home build… If you’re looking for a home that offers the latest energy efficiencies, low maintenance costs, and every amenity and convenience your family desires, maybe you should consider building new. Just keep in mind that financing new construction is a little more complicated. Here’s what you need to know…If you are looking for looking for a top-notch senior loan originator in Weston call us at, 305-335-6155
Ok, today we are going to cover 5 tips for buying a condo… Millions of people have either decided that condo living suits their budget and lifestyle better than single-family homeownership, or they purchase condos as an investment, second home, or vacation property. There are important differences between buying a home and buying a condo. So, before you make an offer… Here are 5 tips for buying a condo…If you are looking for looking for a top-notch senior loan originator in Weston call us at, 305-335-6155
Ok, today we are going to talk about an important thing you should do before you buy in an area… test drive the neighbourhood! You wouldn’t think of buying a car without driving it first. And buying new shoes usually involves wearing them around the store a couple of times. So how do you know you’ll actually like the neighbourhood you’re considering, unless you try it out? Here are 4 ways to test drive a neighbourhood…If you are looking for a top-notch loan consultant in Carlsbad call us at, 760-224-5510
Ok, today we are going to talk about three things you need to know before you borrow from your home equity… Accessing your home equity through a home equity line of credit (HELOC) or cash-out refinance can be an affordable way to pay for renovations or education. Here are 3 things you need to know before applying for a HELOC…If you are looking for looking for a top-notch senior loan originator in Weston call us at, 305-335-6155
Ok, today we are going to talk about the pros and cons for buying a house verses building new… Deciding whether to buy an existing house or build a brand new one can be complicated. There are so many factors to consider. Here’s a list of pros and cons for both building new and buying an existing home…If you are looking for looking for a top-notch senior loan originator in Weston call us at, 305-335-6155
Ok, today we are going to talk about 5 things to look for and be aware of if they get noted in your home inspection… As any good Realtor will advise you, don’t even think about buying a house without a home inspection. Before you get emotionally attached to a home, invest a few hundred dollars in a thorough, professional home inspection. And if your report includes any of the following issues, consider walking away. Here are 5 home inspection red flags… If you are looking for a top-notch loan consultant in Carlsbad call us at, 760-224-5510
Ok, today we are going to talk about how you can buy a home without visiting it in person… Today, more buyers are making offers on homes sight unseen. Reasons for this could include: • Being too busy for physical shopping • Living on the other side of the country • Feeling totally comfortable with online purchases • Preferring the safety of physical distance Here are 6 tips for buying a house sight unseen…If you are looking for looking for a top-notch senior loan originator in Weston call us at, 305-335-6155
Ok, today we are going to talk about the top three green features buyers look for in a house… Are you looking to make upgrades to your home to make it more energy efficient? Wondering what to invest in that will help with resale? As concern for the environment continues to grow, today’s homebuyers are increasingly looking for green options. Here are the top 3 green features buyers are looking for… If you are looking for a top-notch loan consultant in Carlsbad call us at, 760-224-5510
Ok, today we are going to talk about 3 things you need to do before house hunting… Finding for your dream home is a lot easier if you get your finances in shape before you start looking. If you’re thinking about buying within the next year, now’s the perfect time to start preparing. Here are the first 3 steps to take before house hunting… If you are looking for a top-notch loan consultant in Carlsbad call us at, 760-224-5510
Ok, today we are going to talk about when it’s acceptable to back out of an offer and how to do it… It’s only natural to have second thoughts after making a major decision. But if your offer to buy a house is accepted and THEN you decide to back out of it, things can get a little complicated. It’s definitely possible, but it can be expensive and create legal issues. Here are some things to consider…If you are looking for looking for a top-notch senior loan originator in Weston call us at, 305-335-6155
Ok, today we are going to talk about how to build your savings up FAST! Have an unexpected financial need? Rather than borrowing or putting it on your credit card—which just makes your financial situation worse—consider accelerated saving. Here are 7 ways to accelerate your savings…If you are looking for looking for a top-notch senior loan originator in Weston call us at, 305-335-6155
Ok, today we are going to talk about how to furnish your home on a budget… If you’ve just bought a home, you may feel pressured to furnish the whole thing all at once, which can be expensive. But there are many ways to moderate costs. Here are 6 tips for furnishing your home on a budget… If you are looking for looking for a top-notch senior loan originator in Weston call us at, 305-335-6155
Ok, today we are going to talk about the 9 questions to ask your Realtor before you list your home with them… Finding and selecting a Realtor is an important step in the selling process. Recent data suggests that “For Sale by Owner” houses sell for about 25% less than houses sold by Realtors. To find the Realtor who’ll work best for you, interview two or three and ask them important things about their work experience, past sales, qualifications, etc. Here are 9 questions to ask your Realtor before you list…If you are looking for looking for a top-notch senior loan originator in Weston call us at, 305-335-6155
Weston Senior Loan Originator revealsSelling soon? These are the best months and days to list your h
Ok, today we are going to talk about when the best days and months of the year are to list your home… If you’re thinking of selling your home, there’s never a bad time of year, but there certainly are perks to selling in the spring. Spring is usually the best time of year, and a recent survey gets even more specific, providing the best time to list, right down to time of day. Check it out to learn more…If you are looking for looking for a top-notch senior loan originator in Weston call us at, 305-335-6155
Weston Senior Loan Originator reveals7 tips for using a budget tracking app to manage your finances…
Today we are going to talk about how to use budget tracking apps but stay safe doing it… Budget tracking apps like Quicken and can be a great way to manage household finances. But considering all the personal financial information you enter into these apps, are they safe to use? Most experts agree the apps are generally safe; it’s the people using them who pose the greatest risk. Here are 7 tips for using a budget tracking app (while keeping your info safe)…If you are looking for looking for a top-notch senior loan originator in Weston call us at, 305-335-6155
Ok, today we are going to talk about 7 ways to stay warm this winter without spending a fortune on heating… Home heating costs seem to rise every year, and this winter may be even more costly for you if you’re spending more time at home or working from home. But there are ways to reduce heating costs without shivering until spring. Here are 7 ways to stay warm without paying a huge heat bill…If you are looking for looking for a top-notch senior loan originator in Weston call us at, 305-335-6155