Financial Literacy

Certainty Home Loans - Branch Manager/Sr. Loan Officer - Jeff Williams Message
Jeff's Money Moment
29 Views · 5 years ago

I enjoy reading, working out, and attending as many college football games that I can! Since graduating college I have been involved in financing whether it was personal loans or Mortgage loans. Using a consultative approach and treating clients as family, I offer suggestions that I would recommend to my mother or brother. Whether you are buying a small first time home or investment property, or moving up to your dream home, or looking to use your equity to pay off debt, fund your retirement I pledge to offer you the best advice available in the business.

Test Whatsapp Video
14 Views · 5 years ago

Test video

Vancouver mortgage expert reveals 6 steps to refinancing (and how to speed up the process)
Elisa Swezey Mortgage
26 Views · 5 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about refinancing your mortgage and how you can speed up the process… Whether you’re refinancing to access extra cash or lock in a rate before they rise further, you want things to happen quickly. Here are 6 steps to refinancing (and how to speed up the process)… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage expert in Vancouver call us at, 778-938-2572.

10 seconds countdown (video test).mp4
58 Views · 5 years ago


Realtor Referral Mistake #6
Brittany's Money Minute
19 Views · 5 years ago

Welcome to Realtor Referral Mistake #6. This is our final installment in this series.In today's video tip, you'll learn how Top-Producing Realtors engineer their business to consistently cultivate "raving fan" clients who send them loads of red-hot referrals... without begging or asking.You see, they understand a key pychological trigger,that hardly anyone utilizes, that can literally DOUBLE the number of referrals you generate. Learn the secret to more repeat & referral business here... For more information, Please call us at 573.880.8143 or Visit

High Resolution
37 Views · 5 years ago

Hello Testing

33 Views · 5 years ago

Hello THis is testing video

Realtor Marketing Sin #6
Aaron's Marketing Minute
10 Views · 5 years ago

your leads a few times before giving up, just imagine how much business you're leaving on the table!Spending money on advertising but while not having a system in place that continuously and regularly follows up on your prospects, clients and referral partners is like filling up your bathtub without first putting the stopper in the drain --it's a complete waste.Here are 3 keys for creating an effective follow-up system... In next week's tip, you'll learn the secret for creating a brilliant marketing message that grabs the attention of your target audience and magnetically attracts clients to you like moths to a porch light. Stay tuned.. For more information, Please call us at 815.236.4716 or Visit

British Columbia Mortgage Broker reveals Buying a Fixer Upper? Here's How to Fund the Reno....
Laura Mackie Mortgages
13 Views · 5 years ago

With house prices still rising, sometimes the only home you can afford is a fixer upper. If you've been considering buying a place that needs a little TLC... Here's the easiest way to get financing for your reno... If you're looking for a top-notch Mortgage Broker in Greater Vancouver, Fraser Valley and Whistler, BC/Canada, call us at (778) 878-5350.

British Columbia Mortgage Broker reveals Home Owners Insurance.
Laura Mackie Mortgages
49 Views · 5 years ago

Home Owners Insurance. If you're looking for a top-notch Mortgage Broker in Greater Vancouver, Fraser Valley and Whistler, BC/Canada, call us at (778) 878-5350.

8 Realtor Marketing Sins
Close The Deal With Lisa Long
9 Views · 5 years ago

Have you ever wondered why some Realtors® quickly skyrocket to success while the majority continues to struggle just to eke out a meager existence?
Little things make a big difference. That's true in marriage, parenting, and in marketing yourself as a Realtor. Too often as business owners we get caught up in the "thick" of "thin things" and we lose touch with what really drives success in our business. In this new 8-part video series, I'm going to highlight 8 deadly real estate marketing sins that could be crippling your business growth. Here's Real Estate Marketing Sin #1. For more information, call us at 860-995-3513 or visit

Las Vegas Senior Loan Officer reveals How to Buy a Vacation Home.
Tom Brassfield
26 Views · 5 years ago

Thanks to aging Baby Boomers, the market for vacation properties is hotter than ever. But before you start shopping, here are some things to consider. If you're looking for a top-notch Senior Loan Officer in Las Vegas, Call us at 702.708.4666

Ontario mortgage advisor reveals 7 steps to protect your home while you’re away…
Lyle Hill
15 Views · 5 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about how you can protect your home while you are away on a vacation... At this point, you’ve made your plans, booked your trip and are looking forward to a week or two away from work. But while you’re thinking about what to pack, give some thought to home security. Is your home protected while you are away? Do you have a security camera or neighbors looking out for you? Here are 7 steps to protect your home while you are away… If you're looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Ontario, Call us at 226.388.1679

7 “Trust Builders” Every Realtor Needs to Know...
Kathy's Marketing Corner
9 Views · 5 years ago

In last week's video, we talked about the importance of building TRUST EQUITY with your prospects, clients and referral partners....and highlighted the Top 10 Ways People Know You're a Dangerous Salesman to Be Avoided.Now the pregnant question is... how do we build TRUST EQUITY? Here are 7 “Trust Builders” Every Realtor Needs to Know...For more information, Please call us at 830-313-5500 or Visit

Realtor Referral Mistake #3
Kathy's Marketing Corner
9 Views · 5 years ago

Welcome to Realtor Referral Mistake #3. In today's video tip, you'll discover the critical "X" factor that has the power to instantly transform "happy clients" into "raving fans" and "evangelists". It's a game-changer. You'll also learn the the guarded secret Top Producers use to stimulate referral frenzies, almost at will. Here's why "happy clients" still don't send you referrals... For more information, Please call us at 830-313-5500 or Visit

The FASTEST way to boost your sales
Jen's Marketing Moment
12 Views · 5 years ago

In last week's video, we covered the 7 “Trust Builders” that
every Realtor needs to know to boost sales and become a
trusted advisor.

Now at this point you may be wondering... out of all those
Trust Builders, what’s the absolute fastest way to build
trust as a Realtor.

Here's the FASTEST way to boost your sales...

For more information, please call us at (403) 993-9540 or visit

Calgary Mortgage Agent reveals The Law of Compensation
Jen Matthew
11 Views · 5 years ago

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote that each person is compensated in like manner for that which he or she has contributed. This is often referred to as the Law of Compensation or the Law of Cause and Effect. Basically, it's saying that you get back what you give, whether that's a lot or a little. If you want to increase how much you earn, watch this video.

Secret #16 of Superstar Realtors

How many times do you find yourself saying, "I wish I
could get my prospects to believe in the value I offer!"
Have you noticed that consumers are becoming more
and more skeptical?

In today's video tip, you'll learn a powerful strategy all
Superstar Realtors use to instantly turn skeptical
prospects into pre-sold clients!

Here's how they do it...

In next week's 17th secret, you'll discover how Superstar
Realtors use the INTERNET to generate a tsunami of
qualified buyer and seller leads on AUTOPILOT .

Stay tuned...

For more information, please call us at (907) 360-3560 or visit

Phoenix Mortgage advisor reveals 5 Ways To Win A Bidding War
Scott Fickenscher
12 Views · 5 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about 5 ways you can win the bidding war. If you’re house shopping in a competitive market, you’re likely to encounter a bidding war. Unfortunately, bidding wars can be frustrating, expensive and time consuming. However, it’s still possible to get the house you want. Here are 5 ways to win a bidding war. If you're looking for a top-notch Mortgage advisor in Phoenix, Call us at 480-382-9565

Anchorage Loan Officer reveals What’s your home worth?
Brittany Quesnell
9 Views · 5 years ago

Question for you... Are you curious what your home is worth in today’s market? Here’s the most accurate way to find out… If you're looking for a top-notch Loan Officer in Anchorage, Call us at +19073603560

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