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Realtor Marketing Sin #3
Arezou's Marketing Tips
6 Views · 4 years ago

Welcome to Real Estate Marketing Sin #3.

Ever wondered how fast food franchises like
McDonalds or Wendy's run like finely-oiled
cash machines?

Notice how they do the same things, the same
way, every single time.

Unfortunately, most Realtors never take the time
to "systematize" their business, which results in
duplication, waste, chaos and ultimately, lost sales.

Here are 4 types of "systems" to implement in your biz...

In next week's tip, you'll learn the secret for maximizing
your repeat and referral business.

Stay tuned...

For more information, Please call us at 647.830.7150 or Visit

21 Secrets of Superstar Realtors
Arezou's Marketing Tips
6 Views · 4 years ago

Why do some Realtors® have all the clients they can handle,
while others seem to struggle? Is it because they are smarter
than all the other Realtors® or is it because they simply
work harder? Perhaps neither.

After analyzing the habits, attributes and character traits of
hundreds of real estate professionals over the years, we've
identified the "secrets" that separate the Top 1%
highest-income-earning Realtors® from all the rest.

And for your benefit, we've decided to distill all these traits
down into 21 specific things that create superstar Realtors®
and allow them to pick and choose who they work with, and
have all the clients they can handle.

Are you ready for the 1st secret of Superstar Realtors®?

Here it is...

For more information, Please call us at 647.830.7150 or Visit

Secret #5 of Superstar Realtors
Arezou's Marketing Tips
6 Views · 4 years ago

Ever wondered how some Realtors attract clients
with ease while others struggle just to get their
prospect's attention?

In today's secret, you'll learn how you can be one
of the elite few Realtors who can command the
attention of their prospects.

Click here to watch the fifth secret...

In the upcoming 6th secret, you'll learn how you can
double your commissions, and have people virtually
begging to work with you, and be perceived as the
ONLY logical choice in your prospect's mind.

Stay tuned -- you won't want to miss the next secret...

For more information, Please call us at 647.830.7150 or Visit

Secret #13 of Superstar Realtors
Arezou's Marketing Tips
6 Views · 4 years ago

Have you ever heard someone say I run my business
"By Referral ONLY"? Well, today's controversial message
will reveal why that is the absolute worst strategy for
building a stable business with a rock-solid income stream!

Don't believe me? Take a moment and watch to today's
video and you'll discover the key to consistently
growing your income -- even in a down market...

In next week's 14th secret, you'll learn why most
real estate advertising doesn't work and how superstar
Realtors get 200-1000% higher response rates than
average Realtors.

Tune in to this upcoming video and learn the secrets
to improving your return on your ad dollars.

Stay tuned...

For more information, Please call us at 647.830.7150 or Visit

Secret #15 of Superstar Realtors
Arezou's Marketing Tips
6 Views · 4 years ago

Have you ever wondered how seemingly unknown
Realtors have positioned themselves as the #1 choice
in their niche in a short period of time?

Here is one of their secrets for making it happen...

In next week's 16th secret, you'll discover a powerful
marketing secret Superstar Realtors use to consistently
overcome their prospect's fear and skepticism.

This one strategy could at least DOUBLE your
prospect-to-closing conversion ratio.

Stay tuned...

For more information, Please call us at 647.830.7150 or Visit

Secret #18 of Superstar Realtors
Arezou's Marketing Tips
6 Views · 4 years ago

How many times have you said to yourself, "I wish I
had more time so I could get more done"?

Sound familiar? Welcome to the club. Now here's a
blinding flash of the obvious: You'll never get it all done!
There will always be more on our To-Do list than we
have time to implement.

The key to increasing your productivity is not in putting
in more hours, but rather, putting more into your hours.
It's all about working SMART, not hard.

Here's how Superstar Realtors make it happen...

In next week's 19th secret, you will learn about a
powerful lead generation secret that NO ONE knows
about -- that can literally launch your profits into orbit.

Stay tuned...

For more information, Please call us at 647.830.7150 or Visit

Secret #19 of Superstar Realtors
Arezou's Marketing Tips
6 Views · 4 years ago

You're going to love today's 19th secret of Superstar
Realtors because you will finally discover the untold
secret for motivating Divorce Attorneys, Financial
Planners and any other referral partner to recommend
you and refer you MORE quality clients!

If you ONLY listen to one audio... this is the one to
listen to!

This secret will literally unlock the mystery about getting
referral partners to line up, EAGER to recommend you to
their prospects and clients.

Here's how Superstar Realtors make it happen...

In next week's 20th secret, you will discover how
Superstar Realtors mitigate the chances of loosing
money on their marketing and maximize their return
on their ad dollars. Stay tuned...

For more information, Please call us at 647.830.7150 or Visit

Secret #21 of Superstar Realtors
Arezou's Marketing Tips
6 Views · 4 years ago

Welcome to the final 21st secret in our video series titled,
21 Secrets of Superstar Realtors.

Today's secret is by far the most important and critical
secret of all 21 secrets. I've saved this secret for last message
because it's the last impression that I want to emblaze on
the screen of your mind.


And if you want to become a Superstar Realtor yourself,
you MUST do this too. If you haven't watched any of the last
20 video tips, today's is the one you need to tune in to.

Here's the final secret of Superstar Realtors...

Thanks for tuning in and have a blessed and profitable day!

For more information, Please call us at 647.830.7150 or Visit

Calgary Mortgage Agent reveals 4 ways to sell your house quick for top dollar
Jen Matthew
6 Views · 4 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about 4 ways to sell your house quick, without compromising on a fair price. In most markets, spring is the #1 time of year for selling homes and fall comes in at #2. But no matter when you’re planning to sell your home, don’t despair! Here are 4 ways to sell your house quickly. If you're looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Calgary, call us at (403) 993-9540.

t reveals It’s not how much you make, it’s how much you save.
Jen Matthew
6 Views · 4 years ago

Instead of just working harder to make more money, why not make the money you have work harder for you. Here are four strategies to make that happen. If you're looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Calgary, call us at (403) 993-9540.

Calgary Mortgage Agent reveals When’s the best time to list your home?
Jen Matthew
6 Views · 4 years ago

Have you ever wondered when the best time of the year, month and week is, to list and sell your home – FAST! – for top dollar? Watch this short video to find out. If you're looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Calgary, call us at (403) 993-9540.

How to ATTRACT more Buyer Leads
Jen's Marketing Moment
6 Views · 4 years ago

As you know, BUYER LEADS are the critical ingredient
necessary for selling your listings FAST and for TOP DOLLAR...

Now, the question is, HOW can you attract MORE of 'em,
with the least amount of time, energy and money?

Well, to help you in this, here are two proven strategies
for ATTRACTING more quality buyer leads and gaining an
UNFAIR ADVANTAGE over your competitors...

For more information, please call us at (403) 993-9540 or visit

Realtor Marketing Sin #8
Jen's Marketing Moment
6 Views · 4 years ago

Welcome to Real Estate Marketing Sin #8.

Did you know that your prospect receives, on average,
over 3,000 marketing impressions a day?

With all the "marketing clutter" bombarding your
prospects' on a daily basis, it's becoming more and
more difficult to capture people's attention, let alone
get a response!

So, how do you differentiate your business in a way that
separates you from the competition and makes you

Here's exactly how you do it...

For more information, please call us at (403) 993-9540 or visit

21 Secrets of Superstar Realtors
Jen's Marketing Moment
6 Views · 4 years ago

Why do some Realtors® have all the clients they can handle,
while others seem to struggle? Is it because they are smarter
than all the other Realtors® or is it because they simply
work harder? Perhaps neither.

After analyzing the habits, attributes and character traits of
hundreds of real estate professionals over the years, we've
identified the "secrets" that separate the Top 1%
highest-income-earning Realtors® from all the rest.

And for your benefit, we've decided to distill all these traits
down into 21 specific things that create superstar Realtors®
and allow them to pick and choose who they work with, and
have all the clients they can handle.

Are you ready for the 1st secret of Superstar Realtors®?

Here it is...

For more information, please call us at (403) 993-9540 or visit

Realtor Marketing Sin #7
Calgary Real Estate Tips
6 Views · 4 years ago

Welcome to Real Estate Marketing Sin #7.

When it comes to effective Realtor marketing,
there are 3 keys to success:

1. The right market - the people who are most
likely to need, want and pay for your services
2. The right message - that hits the hot buttons
of your target market and elicits response
3. The right media - that delivers your message
to the highest concentration of your target message

If any one of these 3 critical components is missing
from your marketing plan, your results will suffer.

Here's how you can supercharge your results...

In next week's tip, you'll learn the secret for setting
yourself apart from your competition and dominating
your local market.

Stay tuned...

For more information, please call us at (403) 771-0134 or visit

Realtor Marketing Sin #8
Calgary Real Estate Tips
6 Views · 4 years ago

Welcome to Real Estate Marketing Sin #8.

Did you know that your prospect receives, on average,
over 3,000 marketing impressions a day?

With all the "marketing clutter" bombarding your
prospects' on a daily basis, it's becoming more and
more difficult to capture people's attention, let alone
get a response!

So, how do you differentiate your business in a way that
separates you from the competition and makes you

Here's exactly how you do it...

For more information, please call us at (403) 771-0134 or visit

Houston Loan Officer reveals 5 ways to save for a down payment
Spiegel Group Loan Tips
6 Views · 4 years ago

Today we're going to talk about how to save for a down payment. Back in the day, you could buy a big house for $100,000. But now it seems like that’s just the price for the down payment. Most of the time, your down payment will be 20%. So on a $500,000 house, that’s $100,000 down! Even a $300,000 condo would require a $60,000 down payment. Here are 5 ways to save for a down payment. If you're looking for a top-notch loan officer in Houston, call us at (713) 961-5363 or visit

Houston Loan Officer reveals To refinance or not to refinance? That is the question
Spiegel Group Loan Tips
6 Views · 4 years ago

Before you consider refinancing your existing mortgage, it’s important for you to determine the break-even point, which represents how soon the cost of the refinance will be recaptured through lower monthly payments. The answer to this question depends on multiple factors. Here's what you need to know before refinancing. If you're looking for a top-notch loan officer in Houston, call us at (713) 961-5363 or visit

Realtor Referral Mistake #4
Texas Loan Stars
6 Views · 4 years ago

Welcome to Realtor Referral Mistake #4.

In today's video tip, you'll learn why most Realtors'
referrals are inconsistent, unreliable and unpredictable.
As a result, their income goes up and down like a Yo-Yo.

Can you relate? Welcome to the club.

It's not your fault. Chances are, no one ever took the time
to teach how to build a steady, consistent flow of referrals.
That is, until now. :)

Here's how Top Producers generate referrals at will...

For more information, please call us at (713) 961-5363 or visit

Houston mortgage advisor reveals 4 ways to sell your house quick for top dollar…
Loan Star Home And Land
6 Views · 4 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about 4 ways to sell your house quick, without compromising on a fair price… In most markets, spring is the #1 time of year for selling homes and fall comes in at #2. But no matter when you’re planning to sell your home, don’t despair! Here are 4 ways to sell your house quickly…If you're looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Houston, Call us at 830-313-5500

Showing 929 out of 1834