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Gilbert mortgage advisor reveals 5 tips for buying a condo…
Tips you need to know
9 Views · 3 years ago

Ok, today we are going to cover 5 tips for buying a condo… Millions of people have either decided that condo living suits their budget and lifestyle better than single-family homeownership, or they purchase condos as an investment, second home, or vacation property. There are important differences between buying a home and buying a condo. So, before you make an offer… Here are 5 tips for buying a condo… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Gilbert call us at, 602-319-3133

Gilbert mortgage advisor reveals Saving for home renovations? Here’s how to budget...
Tips you need to know
9 Views · 3 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about how much home renovations can cost… Renovations can help make your home more comfortable and easier to sell. But depending on what you’re planning, they can also be expensive. To help you budget for your next project, the HomeAdvisor website has published a list of typical costs for renovation projects. Here’s a list of the most common renos and how much they cost… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Gilbert call us at, 602-319-3133

Gilbert mortgage advisor reveals What’s a stratified market?
Tips you need to know
9 Views · 3 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about what a stratified market is and what it means to you… If you’re planning to buy or sell a house, you’re probably already familiar with the terms “buyer’s market” and “seller’s market.” In a buyer’s market, there are more homes than buyers, so prices drop and buyers get better deals. In a seller’s market there are more buyers than homes, so prices rise and sellers make more money. But there’s a third type of market, and it’s called a stratified market. Here’s what you need to know… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Gilbert call us at, 602-319-3133

How Top-Producers Get More Done
Julian's Marketing Success Tips
9 Views · 3 years ago

Here's an interesting question for you.... What’s the #1 factor that separates Top-Producers from the mediocre majority? Chances are you already intuitively know the answer. It's all about how they invest their time! You see, everyone has 24 hours per day. The difference between the top achievers and all the rest is how they use it. Here's how Top-Producers use their time. For more information call us at, 602.319.3133 Or visit

Duluth loan officer reveals 3 ways to access your home equity…
Nick Frazzano SEM
9 Views · 3 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk ways to access the home equity… If you’re equity rich and cash poor, it might make sense to draw equity from your home. Here are 3 ways to access the equity in your home… If you are looking for a top-notch loan officer in Duluth call us at, 770-633-6617

Duluth loan officer reveals 6 tips for paying off credit card debt…
Nick Frazzano SEM
9 Views · 3 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about how to pay off your credit card so you can live a stress-free future… If you’re like most people, emergencies, illnesses, job losses or more can put a dent in your credit cards. To make matters worse, most credit cards have high interest rates that make them difficult to pay off. But paying off your cards is exactly what you need to do to achieve a secure and stress-free financial future. Here are 6 tips for paying off your credit cards… If you are looking for a top-notch loan officer in Duluth call us at, 770-633-6617

Duluth loan officer reveals 3 things you need to know before getting a home equity loan…
Nick Frazzano SEM
9 Views · 3 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about three things you need to know before you borrow from your home equity… Accessing your home equity through a home equity line of credit (HELOC) or cash-out refinance can be an affordable way to pay for renovations or education. Here are 3 things you need to know before applying for a HELOC… If you are looking for a top-notch loan officer in Duluth call us at, 770-633-6617

Duluth loan officer reveals These are the best months and days to list your home…
Nick Frazzano SEM
9 Views · 3 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about when the best days and months of the year are to list your home… If you’re thinking of selling your home, there’s never a bad time of year, but there certainly are perks to selling in the spring. Spring is usually the best time of year, and a recent survey gets even more specific, providing the best time to list, right down to time of day. Check it out to learn more… If you are looking for a top-notch loan officer in Duluth call us at, 770-633-6617

Duluth loan officer reveals Why you need homeowner’s insurance and what it covers…
Nick Frazzano SEM
9 Views · 3 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about why you need homeowner’s insurance and how it keeps you protected… Homeowner’s insurance is an important and required part of home ownership. Here are the 3 main reasons why you need homeowner’s insurance… If you are looking for a top-notch loan officer in Duluth call us at, 770-633-6617

Tustin Loan Specialist reveals 6 tips for furnishing your home on a budget…
Shays Home Loans
9 Views · 3 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about how to furnish your home on a budget… If you’ve just bought a home, you may feel pressured to furnish the whole thing all at once, which can be expensive. But there are many ways to moderate costs. Here are 6 tips for furnishing your home on a budget… If you're looking for a top-notch loan specialist in Tustin, call us at 916-563-9706

Tustin Loan Specialist reveals 7 tips for using a budget tracking app to manage your finances…
Shays Home Loans
9 Views · 3 years ago

Today we are going to talk about how to use budget tracking apps but stay safe doing it… Budget tracking apps like Quicken and can be a great way to manage household finances. But considering all the personal financial information you enter into these apps, are they safe to use? Most experts agree the apps are generally safe; it’s the people using them who pose the greatest risk. Here are 7 tips for using a budget tracking app (while keeping your info safe)… If you're looking for a top-notch loan specialist in Tustin, call us at 916-563-9706

Tustin Loan Specialist reveals 5 tips to save money when renovating your home…
Shays Home Loans
9 Views · 3 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about how to save money renovating your home… Renovating can add comfort, convenience and value to your home. But renovations are often pricey. Here are 5 tips for updating your home without blowing your budget… If you're looking for a top-notch loan specialist in Tustin, call us at 916-563-9706

Tustin Loan Specialist reveals 5 steps to a stress free long-distance move…
Shays Home Loans
9 Views · 3 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about how to make a long-distance move stress free… Major life changes are always stressful. And moving from one city or region to another is definitely a major change. Here are 5 steps you can take to help eliminate the stress of moving… If you're looking for a top-notch loan specialist in Tustin, call us at 916-563-9706

Tustin Loan Specialist reveals 4 pitfalls to avoid when moving from the city to the suburbs…
Shays Home Loans
9 Views · 3 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about what to be aware of before moving from the city to the suburbs… For the young and single, the inner city has strong appeal. But as soon as there are kids, many couples are drawn to the suburbs. Less crowds and more open spaces become more enticing. If you don’t want to sacrifice quality of life, choose the suburb carefully. Here are 4 pitfalls to avoid when moving from the city to the suburbs… If you're looking for a top-notch loan specialist in Tustin, call us at 916-563-9706

How to Attract More Home buyers...
Shay Knows Best Mortgage Success
9 Views · 3 years ago

So you want more motivated home buyers, right? The question is... HOW? Here's one of the absolute best, most effective ways to attract them BEFORE your competition does: Here's the answer... For more information call us at, 916.563.9706 Or visit

Creative finance specialist reveals 4 ways to give your home a tech tune up…
The Creative Finance Specialist
9 Views · 3 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about 4 ways to improve technology throughout your home… With growing numbers of us working and learning from home, it’s more essential now than ever before that our homes can accommodate modern technologies. Whether you’re looking to update your home, or on the market for a new home, there are a few things to do and look for to update your home. Here are 4 ways to give your home a tech tune up… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage banker in Temecula call us at, 310-767-6289

Realtor Marketing Sin #4
Terri's Marketing Tidbits
9 Views · 3 years ago

Welcome to Real Estate Marketing Sin #4. Most Realtors tend to be "hunters" instead of "harvesters". Top producers, on the hand, understand the importance of both. They understand that a new customer typically costs 5 to 10 times more than a repeat customer. That's why they focus on getting 60% to 70% of their business from their existing client database through referrals and repeat business -- and you should too! Here's how they do it. For more information call us at,512.803.3908 Or visit

Austin mortgage advisor reveals 5 tips to save money when renovating your home…
Terri's Mortgage Tidbit
9 Views · 3 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about how to save money renovating your home… Renovating can add comfort, convenience and value to your home. But renovations are often pricey. Here are 5 tips for updating your home without blowing your budget… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Austin call us at, 512-803-3908

Austin mortgage advisor reveals 6 tips for furnishing your home on a budget…
Terri's Mortgage Tidbit
9 Views · 3 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about how to furnish your home on a budget… If you’ve just bought a home, you may feel pressured to furnish the whole thing all at once, which can be expensive. But there are many ways to moderate costs. Here are 6 tips for furnishing your home on a budget… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Austin call us at, 512-803-3908

Austin mortgage advisor reveals When and how to back out of an accepted offer…
Terri's Mortgage Tidbit
9 Views · 3 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about when it’s acceptable to back out of an offer and how to do it… It’s only natural to have second thoughts after making a major decision. But if your offer to buy a house is accepted and THEN you decide to back out of it, things can get a little complicated. It’s definitely possible, but it can be expensive and create legal issues. Here are some things to consider… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Austin call us at, 512-803-3908

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