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The Power of Persistence
Brandon Diaz
13 Views · 1 month ago

⁣I once heard a statistic that 90% of all failure comes from quitting. Thomas Edison affirmed this when he said, “Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” If it weren't for Mr. Edison's dogged determination to keep going, after thousands of failed attempts, at creating the incandescent light bulb, who knows we might still be lighting our homes with candles! In other words, persistence beats resistance. Quitters never win and winners never quit. If you want to increase your chances of success you must have a dream worth fighting for and then resolve to never, never, never give up! Here's How to Activate the Power of Persistence... ⁣For more information call us at, 253-592-4924

Westlake Village Mortgage Broker reveals The unexpected costs that come when buying a home…
Steve Alender
12 Views · 5 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about the added costs that most homebuyers don’t realize when purchasing a home. Your home is probably the biggest purchase you’ll ever make. But the expenses don’t stop with the price. Here are some additional costs you need to budget for. If you're looking for a top-notch mortgage professional in Westlake Village, call us at (805) 796-5626.

Lynwood Loan Officer reveals 6 ways to make real estate investments more affordable
Kira Truett
12 Views · 5 years ago

Many of the world’s wealthiest people got that way by investing in real estate. But it’s difficult to come up with the hefty 20% down payment required to buy an investment property. Here are 6 ways to make investing in real estate more affordable. If you're looking for a top-notch loan officer in Lynwood, call us at (520) 245-2366.

5 Ways to Avoid Student Loan Debt: from your trusted Mortgage Professional, Brian
Brian Diez Mortgage
12 Views · 5 years ago

Ok, today we’re going to talk about how to keep your kids’ out of debt. The last time I checked, the average student’s debt is currently almost $30,000, and it’ll be even higher by the time your kids graduate! The truth is most young people—and often their parents—can’t afford that kind of debt, so it ends up damaging their credit rating and ability to buy a house and raise a family. Of course, the best way to prevent such problems is to avoid massive student debt in the first place. Here are 5 tips to avoid student loan debt. If you're looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Garden City, call us at (516) 418-2659.

Mississauga Mortgage Agent reveals 3 questions for choosing the right financial advisor
Houng Vu Mortgage
12 Views · 5 years ago

OK, today we're going to talk about how to get ahead financially. With the volatility in today’s markets and the huge number of choices available in equities and mutual funds, it’s almost impossible for us to securely and profitably manage our own investments. But choosing the right financial advisor isn’t easy either. Here are 3 questions to help you make the right choice. If you're looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Mississauga, call us at (416) 300-3540.

Valparaiso Mortgage Advisor reveals The unexpected costs that come when buying a home
Union Home Mortgage - Travis Waters
12 Views · 5 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about the added costs that most homebuyers don’t realize when purchasing a home. Your home is probably the biggest purchase you’ll ever make. But the expenses don’t stop with the price. Here are some additional costs you need to budget for. If you're looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Valparaiso, call us at (219) 286-2211.

Cole Thompson reveals Secret #4 of Superstar Realtors
Cole Real Estate Tips
12 Views · 5 years ago

Welcome to the 4th secret of Superstar Realtors.
In today's secret I unlock the mystery to creating
a constant stream of qualified leads that come to
you instead of the other way around.

All the Superstar Realtors I know use this tactic
and you should too.

Click here to listen to the fourth secret...

In the upcoming 5th secret you'll learn why
Superstar Realtors can charge higher fees than
all their competitors and still have clients lined
up around the block to use their services.

Stay tuned...

For more information, please call us at (559) 469-6736.

Brentwood Mortgage Advisor reveals 5 Ways to Avoid Student Loan Debt
Erica Kelley Mortgage
12 Views · 5 years ago

Ok, today we’re going to talk about how to keep your kids’ out of debt. The last time I checked, the average student’s debt is currently almost $30,000, and it’ll be even higher by the time your kids graduate! The truth is most young people—and often their parents—can’t afford that kind of debt, so it ends up damaging their credit rating and ability to buy a house and raise a family. Of course, the best way to prevent such problems is to avoid massive student debt in the first place. Here are 5 tips to avoid student loan debt. If you're looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Brentwood, call us at (615) 423-3095.

Tracy Belle gives tips on Secret #3 of Superstar Realtors
Tracy Belle Lends
12 Views · 5 years ago

Welcome to the 3rd secret of Superstar Realtors.
In today's secret, you'll learn a very different
approach to marketing your real estate services.

This one approach has more power to build your
real estate business than any other strategy available.

Click here to listen to the third secret...

In next week's 4th secret, you'll learn how top-producing
Realtors get most of their leads and how you can too.

Stay tuned...

For more information, please call us at (503) 910-4976 or visit

Huong Vu gives tips on Secret #7 of Superstar Realtors
Huong Vu Mortgage Tips
12 Views · 5 years ago

Have you ever wondered why some Realtors always
seem to be in the right place at just the right time to
win the listing or close the deal?

In today's 7th secret of Superstar Realtors, you'll learn
why it's no fluke.

Here’s how they do it...

In the upcoming 8th secret, you'll find out why most
Superstar Realtors get so many referrals.

Stay tuned...

For more information, please call us at (416) 300-3540.

Concord Mortgage Advisor reveals 5 ways to save for a down payment.
Suppa Financial
12 Views · 5 years ago

OK, Today we're going to talk about how to save for a down payment.Back in the day, you could buy a big house for $100,000. But now it seems like that’s just the price for the down payment.Most of the time, your down payment will be 20%.So on a $500,000 house, that’s $100,000 down! Even a $300,000 condo would require a $60,000 down payment. Here are 5 ways to save for a down payment. If you're looking for top-notch Mortgage Advisor in Concord, call us at (416) 342-1480.

Concord Mortgage Advisor reveals 4 factors to look for beyond a “good rate”.
Suppa Financial
12 Views · 5 years ago

Let’s talk about rates.Let’s face it, when it comes to getting a mortgage, everyone wants the “lowest rate”. I mean, why not save a few pennies, right? Sure, a low rate is important, but choosing your mortgage and lender based on rate alone can be a BIG mistake. With that in mind. Here are 4 factors to look for beyond a “good rate”. If you're looking for top-notch Mortgage Advisor in Concord, call us at (416) 342-1480.

Aurora Mortgage Advisor reveals 3 steps to take BEFORE going home shopping
Diana Buch Mortgage
12 Views · 5 years ago

Buying your first home isn’t as simple as visiting a few realtor open houses. What you do before you start shopping can help ensure you make a decision you can comfortably live with for years! Here are 3 essential steps to take before going home shopping. If you're looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Aurora, call us at (720) 256-0809.

Use This Clever Tool to Win More Listings!
Realtor Partner Tips
12 Views · 5 years ago

OK. Let's talk about your listing presentations...Have you ever had that uneasy feeling like you were on the HOT SEAT, being compared to your competitors based on some hidden checklist?What if there was a way you could reconstruct your home sellers' buying criteria so you became the #1 choice to sell their home? Here's how you do it...For more information call us at (714) 293-7860 or visit

Sandy Loan Officer reveals Life After Bankruptcy
Nations Home Loans
12 Views · 5 years ago

Please forward this to anyone you care about who has filed for bankruptcy. Many Americans find themselves bogged down with a bad credit rating for the wrong reason -- illness, losing a job, or simply not understanding consumer credit. Sometimes bad financial situations happen to good people and bankruptcy is the only way out. But it's not all doom and gloom -- there are a number of strategies for putting your credit back on track and getting approved for a mortgage, even after bankruptcy. Going from one financial institution to the next, only to be declined again and again can be very frustrating, which is where an experienced mortgage consultant on your side can make all the difference. Here are 10 factors to consider. If you're looking for a top-notch loan officer in Sandy, call us at (801) 851-5399.

Salem Loan Officer reveals 3 steps to take BEFORE going home shopping
Commerce Home Mortgage, Inc.
12 Views · 5 years ago

Buying your first home isn’t as simple as visiting a few realtor open houses. What you do before you start shopping can help ensure you make a decision you can comfortably live with for years! Here are 3 essential steps to take before going home shopping. If you're looking for a top-notch loan officer in Salem, call us at (503) 910-4976.

Aurora Mortgage Advisor reveals The Apple-a-Day Principle
Diana Buch Mortgage
12 Views · 5 years ago

OK, we’re going to talk about a simple – yet profound – principle that can transform your health and your wealth over time. It’s called the “apple-a-day” principle. Here’s how it works. If you're looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Aurora, call us at (720) 256-0809.

Mississauga Mortgage Agent reveals 3 important steps when applying for a mortgage
Houng Vu Mortgage
12 Views · 5 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about 3 important steps every borrower should know (and take) before applying for a mortgage. Buying a home and applying for a mortgage—especially if you’ve never done it before—can be scary and complicated. There are so many things to consider. Here are 3 important steps to take when applying for a mortgage. If you're looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Mississauga, call us at (416) 300-3540.

Secret #14 of Superstar Realtors
Huong Vu Mortgage Tips
12 Views · 5 years ago

How many times have you said to yourself, "I wish I knew
how to get the best bang for my buck on my
advertising dollars?"

Well today you're going to learn the advertising secrets
that Superstar Realtors use to get at least 200% higher
response rates than the average Realtor.

Here exactly how they do it:

In next week's 15th secret, you'll learn a powerful
marketing strategy that Superstar Realtors use to get
huge floods of leads with little time or effort!

Stay tuned...

For more information, please call us at (416) 300-3540.

Roseville Mortgage Advisor reveals 5 ways to qualify for a mortgage (even if you have less than perf
Wildey Mortgage Team
12 Views · 5 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about how to buy a home, even if you have bad credit. Obviously, if you have good credit, it’s easier to qualify for a mortgage. But that doesn’t mean home ownership is out of reach if you have bruised credit. Here are5 ways to qualify for a mortgage (even if you have less than perfect credit). If you're looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Roseville, call us at (916) 741-7401.

Showing 406 out of 1834