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6 Deadly Mistakes That Kill Your Referrals
Kimberly Kinney
14 Views · 2 years ago

⁣How would you like to attract more sizzling, red-hot referrals from your past clients? Well, you'll be glad to know I just put together a brand new 6-part video series for you titled, "6 Deadly Mistakes That Kill Your Referrals" that teaches how to do exactly that -- become a referral magnet. By avoiding these six costly mistakes and implementing effective "referral systems" you can literally skyrocket your referrals almost overnight. OK, enough prelude already. Here's the very first Referral Mistake to avoid...⁣For More Information call us at, 573-881-9325

The #1 question every smart seller wants to know...
Kimberly Kinney
14 Views · 2 years ago

⁣What’s the single, most important question every smart home seller wants you to answer at their listing presentation? HINT: it's probably not what you think. Here's the shocking truth...⁣For More Information call us at, 573-881-9325

Ontario Mortgage Professional reveals It’s not how much you make, it’s how much you save.

⁣Instead of just working harder to make more money, why not make the money you have work harder for you. Here are four strategies to make that happen... ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage professional in Toronto call us at, (866) 492-4024.

Ontario Mortgage Professional reveals The "inner game" of wealth

⁣Imagine for a moment that there was a tree called the "Tree of Life." And on that tree there were fruits (otherwise known as your results). What do people tend to do when they don't like their fruits? They tend to focus on their fruits. They focus their attention on what they don't want -- their lack of results! Now, what's the problem with that approach? You can focus on your fruits -- your results -- all day long, but that obviously, that's not going to change anything. To change your fruits, you must first change your roots. To change what's above the ground, you must first change what's below the ground. The change the visible, you must first change the invisible. Here's exactly how you do it... ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage professional in Toronto call us at, (866) 492-4024.

Ontario Mortgage Professional reveals How to Protect Your Credit Score

⁣Your credit report is used to create your credit score, which is how lenders determine whether you qualify for a mortgage and what rate you’ll pay. It’s essential to make sure everything on your report is accurate and up-to-date. Here are 4 things to look for when reviewing your report… ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage professional in Toronto call us at, (866) 492-4024.

Mississauga Mortgage Agent reveals 7 tips for saving money on home insurance…
Marisa Francois
14 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about how to save money on home insurance… Insurance is absolutely essential to home ownership. You have to be confident that your investment and your family are adequately protected. However, there’s no reason to pay more for home insurance than you have to. Here are 7 ways to save money on home insurance…⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Mississauga call us at, 647-992-8390

8 Realtor Marketing Sins
Marc Brown
14 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Have you ever wondered why some Realtors® quickly skyrocket to success while the majority continues to struggle just to eke out a meager existence? Little things make a big difference. That's true in marriage, parenting, and in marketing yourself as a Realtor. Too often as business owners we get caught up in the "thick" of "thin things" and we lose touch with what really drives success in our business. In this new 8-part video series, I'm going to highlight 8 deadly real estate marketing sins that could be crippling your business growth. Here's Real Estate Marketing Sin #1...⁣For More Information call us at,302-290-6363

Mississauga Mortgage Agent reveals Pros and cons for buying an existing house vs building new…
Marisa Francois
14 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about the pros and cons for buying a house verses building new… Deciding whether to buy an existing house or build a brand new one can be complicated. There are so many factors to consider. Here’s a list of pros and cons for both building new and buying an existing home…⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Mississauga call us at, 647-992-8390

Mississauga Mortgage Agent reveals How to recover from financial abuse
Marisa Francois
14 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about how to rebuild your finances if you’ve suffered from financial abuse… Being in an unhealthy relationship could be emotionally, physically, or even financially damaging. And according to recent statistics, 99% of domestic violence also includes financial abuse. Here’s what to do if you’re in a financially abusive situation, or if you’re recovering from one…⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Mississauga call us at, 647-992-8390

Mississauga Mortgage Agent reveals 10 factors that determine your home’s value…
Marisa Francois
14 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about 10 factors that determine your home’s value… Coming up with the right price for your home is a science. It’s not based on how much you love your home or how much money you need to get out of it. It’s based on what a potential buyer is willing to pay for a home like yours in the current market. Here are 10 factors that determine your home’s worth…⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Mississauga call us at, 647-992-8390

Plymouth Loan Officer reveals 5 home inspection red flags
Sarah Zahler
14 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about 5 things to look for and be aware of if they get noted in your home inspection. As any good Realtor will advise you, don’t even think about buying a house without a home inspection. Before you get emotionally attached to a home, invest a few hundred dollars in a thorough, professional home inspection. And if your report includes any of the following issues, consider walking away. Here are 5 home inspection red flags. If you're looking for a top-notch loan officer in Pymouth, call us at ⁣(763) 370-6785.

Ontario Mortgage Professional reveals 7 ways to increase the sale price of your home…

⁣Regardless of whether you want to sell your home now or sometime in the future, getting a higher price when you sell doesn’t have to involve a bunch of expensive renovations. Here are 7 quick, low-cost improvements designed to turn the heads of potential buyers… ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage professional in Toronto call us at, (866) 492-4024.

Ontario Mortgage Professional reveals 4 tips for flipping a house for profit…

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about 4 tips to successfully flip a house… If you’re a fan of house-flipping TV shows, you know how tempting this can be. Any time you buy a house with the intention of quickly reselling at a profit, you’re flipping. But it’s not as easy as it sounds. Here are 4 tips for flipping a house for profit… ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage professional in Toronto call us at, (866) 492-4024.

Ontario Mortgage Professional reveals Why a vacation home might be a smart investment for you…

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about the reasons why it might make sense for you to buy a vacation property for profit instead of just for fun… 40 years ago, 90% of vacation home owners used them exclusively for pleasure. Today, almost 70% of owners say they rent out their vacation homes for [at least] part of the year to cover ownership costs. Here’s why a vacation home might be a smart investment for you… ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage professional in Toronto call us at, (866) 492-4024.

Ontario Mortgage Professional reveals 5 steps to figure out how much home you can afford

⁣Ok, today we are going to cover 5 steps for determining how much home you can afford to buy… Buying a home involves lots of decisions…
· condo or single family?
· big or small?
· inner city or suburban?
· new or old?
But the biggest and most important decision is: how much can I afford? Here are 5 steps to figure out home much home you can afford… ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage professional in Toronto call us at, (866) 492-4024.

Fort Myers Loan Officer reveals 5 home inspection red flags
Jennifer Queen
14 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about 5 things to look for and be aware of if they get noted in your home inspection… As any good Realtor will advise you, don’t even think about buying a house without a home inspection. Before you get emotionally attached to a home, invest a few hundred dollars in a thorough, professional home inspection. And if your report includes any of the following issues, consider walking away. Here are 5 home inspection red flags… ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch loan officer in Fort Myers call us at,239-240-9559

Cottonwood Heights Senior Loan Officer reveals Top 3 green features buyers look for in a house…
Jason Parman
14 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about the top three green features buyers look for in a house… Are you looking to make upgrades to your home to make it more energy efficient? Wondering what to invest in that will help with resale? As concern for the environment continues to grow, today’s homebuyers are increasingly looking for green options. Here are the top 3 green features buyers are looking for… ⁣If you are looking for a top-noch Senior Loan Officer in Cottonwood Heights call us at, 801-631-6923

Rocky river mortgage broker reveals
Jelani's Financial Gems
14 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about 3 things you need to do before house hunting… Finding for your dream home is a lot easier if you get your finances in shape before you start looking. If you’re thinking about buying within the next year, now’s the perfect time to start preparing. Here are the first 3 steps to take before house hunting…⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage broker in Rocky river call us at, 330-361-1654.

Rocky river mortgage broker reveals 6 tips for paying off credit card debt…
Jelani's Financial Gems
14 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about how to pay off your credit card so you can live a stress-free future… If you’re like most people, emergencies, illnesses, job losses or more can put a dent in your credit cards. To make matters worse, most credit cards have high interest rates that make them difficult to pay off. But paying off your cards is exactly what you need to do to achieve a secure and stress-free financial future. Here are 6 tips for paying off your credit cards…⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage broker in Rocky river call us at, 330-361-1654.⁣⁣

Rocky river mortgage broker reveals 7 ways to accelerate your savings
Jelani's Financial Gems
14 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about how to build your savings up FAST! Have an unexpected financial need? Rather than borrowing or putting it on your credit card—which just makes your financial situation worse—consider accelerated saving. Here are 7 ways to accelerate your savings…⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage broker in Rocky river call us at, 330-361-1654.

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