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6 Deadly Mistakes That Kill Your Referrals
Gerald's Money Minute
1 Views · 2 years ago

⁣How would you like to attract more sizzling, red-hot referrals from your past clients? Well, you'll be glad to know I just put together a brand new 6-part video series for you titled, "6 Deadly Mistakes That Kill Your Referrals" that teaches how to do exactly that -- become a referral magnet. By avoiding these six costly mistakes and implementing effective "referral systems" you can literally skyrocket your referrals almost overnight. OK, enough prelude already. Here's the very first Referral Mistake to avoid... ⁣For more
information call us at (614) 260-2829.

The Power of Persistence
Gerald's Money Minute
1 Views · 2 years ago

⁣I once heard a statistic that 90% of all failure comes from quitting. Thomas Edison affirmed this when he said, “Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” If it weren't for Mr. Edison's dogged determination to keep going, after thousands of failed attempts, at creating the incandescent light bulb, who knows we might still be lighting our homes with candles! In other words, persistence beats resistance. Quitters never win and winners never quit. If you want to increase your chances of success you must have a dream worth fighting for and then resolve to never, never, never give up! Here's How to Activate the Power of Persistence... ⁣For more
information call us at (614) 260-2829.

Realtors’ #1 Biggest Challenge?
Gerald's Money Minute
1 Views · 2 years ago

⁣I’m curious to know your thoughts on this… What would you say is the #1 biggest challenge every real estate agent faces? Is it the economy, home values, mortgage rates, inventory? Well, after extensive research, we discovered that the single most important factor to your success in any market is shockingly different than what most agents think. Here’s what we discovered…⁣For more
information call us at (614) 260-2829.

Ten Tenets of Top-Producers
Gerald's Money Minute
1 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Have you ever wondered why some Realtors® quickly skyrocket to success while the majority continues to struggle just to eke out a meager existence? We all know everyone has access to the same MLS marketing tools, so why such a disparity in results? Is the difference found in their education, intelligence, skills, timing, work habits, contacts or luck? The answer to this mystery is actually no mystery at all. If you dig down to the root cause of their success, you’ll invariably find that the common denominator of success in each and every Top Producer lies in their MINDSET or their UNIQUE WAY OF THINKING. Here are ten ways Top-Producers think differently than all the rest… ⁣For more
information call us at (614) 260-2829.

Longmont Senior Mortgage Professional reveals Top 3 green features buyers look for in a house…
David Money Minute
1 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about the top three green features buyers look for in a house… Are you looking to make upgrades to your home to make it more energy efficient? Wondering what to invest in that will help with resale? As concern for the environment continues to grow, today’s homebuyers are increasingly looking for green options. Here are the top 3 green features buyers are looking for… ⁣If you are looking
for a top-notch mortgage professional in Longmont call us at, 303-775-9618

Modesto Mortgage Advisor reveals Is hiring a real estate agent really worth it?
Bill's Money Tips
1 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about the expense of hiring a real estate agent and if it’s really worth it to you… When you’re selling a home, so much money is at stake, you can’t afford to make a mistake. That’s why over 90% of buyers and sellers work with a Realtor. But let’s face it, Real estate commissions are expensive. Are Realtors really worth it? Here’s what good Realtors do to earn every penny of their commissions… ⁣If you're looking
for a top-notch Mortgage Advisor in Modesto, call us at, (209) 499-9079.

Secret #18 of Superstar Realtors
Bill's Marketing Minute
1 Views · 2 years ago

⁣How many times have you said to yourself, "I wish I had more time so I could get more done"? Sound familiar? Welcome to the club. Now here's a blinding flash of the obvious: You'll never get it all done! There will always be more on our To-Do list than we have time to implement. The key to increasing your productivity is not in putting in more hours, but rather, putting more into your hours. It's all about working SMART, not hard. Here's how Superstar Realtors make it happen...⁣For more
information call us at, 209.499.9079

Secret #20 of Superstar Realtors
Bill's Marketing Minute
1 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Here's the 20th secret of Superstar Realtors. How would you like to know how to maximize your results from every ad dollar you invest? Here's how Superstar Realtors make it happen...⁣For more
information call us at, 209.499.9079

Secret #21 of Superstar Realtors
Bill's Marketing Minute
1 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Welcome to the final 21st secret in our video series titled, 21 Secrets of Superstar Realtors. Today's secret is by far the most important and critical secret of all 21 secrets. I've saved this secret for last message because it's the last impression that I want to emblaze on the screen of your mind. ALL SUPERSTAR MORTGAGE REALTORS DO THIS! And if you want to become a Superstar Realtor yourself, you MUST do this too. If you haven't watched any of the last 20 video tips, today's is the one you need to tune in to. Here's the final secret of Superstar Realtors...⁣For more
information call us at, 209.499.9079

The #1 Secret to More Sales
Bill's Marketing Minute
1 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Do you ever wish clients would naturally understand your unique value and be attracted to working with you... without having to "sell" them on your services? Well, I've got good news for you... In today's video, you're going to learn the #1 secret for dominating your local market, eliminating sales resistance, boosting your sales and earning more while working less. I know that sounds like an incredible claim in a world full of hype, but stay with me for a moment and you’ll see for yourself. Learn the #1 Secret to More Sales Here:⁣For more
information call us at, 209.499.9079

7 “Trust Builders” Every Realtor Needs to Know...
Bill's Marketing Minute
1 Views · 2 years ago

⁣In last week's video, we talked about the importance of building TRUST EQUITY with your prospects, clients and referral partners... ...and highlighted the Top 10 Ways People Know You're a Dangerous Salesman to Be Avoided. Now the pregnant question is... how do we build more TRUST EQUITY? Here are 7 “Trust Builders” Every Realtor Needs to Know...⁣For
more information call us at, 209.499.9079

How to capture testimonials on autopilot...
Bill's Marketing Minute
1 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Welcome to video #4 in our brand new 5-part video series titled, "TRUST: How to Earn it, Grow It and Use It to Skyrocket Your Sales." Last week, I revealed the #1 secret for boosting your sales. Today I’m going to show you how to create your own testimonial capture page, so you can automate the entire process of collecting testimonials. Remember: more trust = more sales! Here's how to capture testimonials on autopilot...⁣For more
information call us at, 209.499.9079

Realtor Referral Mistake #4
Bill's Marketing Minute
1 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Welcome to Realtor Referral Mistake #4. In today's video tip, you'll learn why most Realtors' referrals are inconsistent, unreliable and unpredictable. As a result, their income goes up and down like a Yo-Yo. Can you relate? Welcome to the club. It's not your fault. Chances are, no one ever took the time to teach how to build a steady, consistent flow of referrals. That is, until now. :) Here's how Top Producers generate referrals at will...⁣For more
information call us at, 209.499.9079

Realtor Referral Mistake #6
Bill's Marketing Minute
1 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Welcome to Realtor Referral Mistake #6. This is our final installment in this series. In today's video tip, you'll learn how Top-Producing Realtors engineer their business to consistently cultivate "raving fan" clients who send them loads of red-hot referrals... without begging or asking. You see, they understand a key psychological trigger, that hardly anyone utilizes, that can literally DOUBLE the number of referrals you generate. Learn the secret to more repeat & referral business here...⁣For
more information call us at, 209.499.9079

How to ATTRACT more Buyer Leads
Bill's Marketing Minute
1 Views · 2 years ago

⁣As you know, BUYER LEADS are the critical ingredient necessary for selling your listings FAST and for TOP DOLLAR... Now, the question is, HOW can you attract MORE of 'em, with the least amount of time, energy and money? Well, to help you in this, here are two proven strategies for ATTRACTING more quality buyer leads and gaining an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE over your competitors...⁣For more
information call us at, 209.499.9079

How to Create an Effective Marketing Plan
Bill's Marketing Minute
1 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Quick question for you... Do you have a clear, concise marketing plan for making this year your best year yet? Chances are, if you're like most Realtors®, you have room for improvement. Here are a few powerful questions to help you take your business to the next level... ⁣For more
information call us at, 209.499.9079

Realtors’ #1 Biggest Challenge?
Bill's Marketing Minute
1 Views · 2 years ago

⁣I’m curious to know your thoughts on this… What would you say is the #1 biggest challenge every real estate agent faces? Is it the economy, home values, mortgage rates, inventory? Well, after extensive research, we discovered that the single most important factor to your success in any market is shockingly different than what most agents think. Here’s what we discovered…⁣For more
information call us at, 209.499.9079

Million Dollar Referral Script
Bill's Marketing Minute
1 Views · 2 years ago

⁣ Before we get into today's tip, let me ask you a couple questions... Do ever feel AWKWARD when trying to ask for referrals? Do you think you might ask for referrals more CONSISTENTLY if you had a more elegant, graceful and effective way of going about it? What if I could provide you with the exact same script that helped a financial planner in the little obscure town of Weirton, West Virginia, build a multi-million dollar business? Here's the million dollar referral script... ⁣For more
information call us at, 209.499.9079

How Top-Producers Get More Done
Bill's Marketing Minute
1 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Here's an interesting question for you.... What’s the #1 factor that separates Top-Producers from the mediocre majority? Chances are you already intuitively know the answer. It's all about how they invest their time! You see, everyone has 24 hours per day. The difference between the top achievers and all the rest is how they use it. Here's how Top-Producers use their time...⁣For more
information call us at, 209.499.9079

Realtor Marketing Sin #2
RE Agent Tips w/ Korban
1 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Welcome to Real Estate Marketing Sin #2. In today's video, you'll learn the importance of planning. Studies show that small businesses that create -- and consistently use --marketing plans experience an average of 30% higher sales than those who don't. Wouldn't you like to increase your sales by 30%? Here are 4 Simple Steps for Creating an Effective Marketing Plan... ⁣For more information
call us at, 260-589-5336

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