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Vancouver mortgage professional reveals Money & Relationships.
Chris Adkins Mortgage
2 Views · 4 years ago

If you haven't noticed by now, money is one of the biggest sources of conflict in relationships. Here's how avoid conflict and build connection... If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage professional in Vancouver call us at, 604-617-4200.

Vancouver mortgage professional reveals The Law of Compensation.
Chris Adkins Mortgage
2 Views · 4 years ago

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote that each person is compensated in like manner for that which he or she has contributed. This is often referred to as the Law of Compensation or the Law of Cause and Effect. Basically, it's saying that you get back what you give, whether that's a lot or a little. If you want to increase how much you earn, watch this video: If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage professional in Vancouver call us at, 604-617-4200.

Venice mortgage advisor reveals Professional, Entrepreneur or Self-employed?
Angie's Money Tips
2 Views · 4 years ago

Question for you: Is your Financial Planner a Professional, Entrepreneur or Self-employed? That may sound like a funny question. After all, what difference does the job status of your financial planner make? Actually, it can make a big difference to the advice and investment knowledge you’re receiving. Here’s what you need to know about choosing the right Financial Planner… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Venice call us at, 941-485-4222.

Venice mortgage advisor reveals The truth about credit cards…
Angie's Money Tips
2 Views · 4 years ago

OK, today we’re going to have some REAL TALK about credit cards… Yes, they’re convenient. Yes, they’re sometimes necessary. However, with the average household debt growing year after year (with no end in sight), it’s mission critical that we manage our credit cards effectively. Easier said than done. Here’s the truth about credit cards every homeowner needs to know… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Venice call us at, 941-485-4222.

Venice mortgage advisor reveals 4 ant philosophies that help you succeed…
Angie's Money Tips
2 Views · 4 years ago

OK, today we’re going to talk about the amazing philosophy of ants… Yeah, that’s right ants. Ants are amazing creatures. For instance, some ants can carry 50 times their own weight! Even more amazing: ants are experts in philosophy. While the great ant philosophers didn’t write any books, we can still learn about their wisdom by observing their actions. Here are 4 ant philosophies that can help us succeed in life… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Venice call us at, 941-485-4222.

Venice mortgage advisor reveals Smart ways to use your tax refund.
Angie's Money Tips
2 Views · 4 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about how to profit the most from your tax refund… Like millions of other taxpayers, you may have received a refund this year. So what now? How will you spend that money? Here are a few SMART ways to use your tax refund… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Venice call us at, 941-485-4222.

Venice mortgage advisor reveals 6 ways to protect yourself from real estate scams…
Angie's Money Tips
2 Views · 4 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about how to protect yourself from real estate scams… According to the FBI, from 2015 to 2017 cybercrime targeting real estate transactions rose by over 1,100%, and the amount of money lost rose by almost 2,200%! The most common way for scammers to attack is by hacking into a buyer’s email and monitoring messages between the buyer and Realtor. Here are 6 ways to protect yourself from real estate scams… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Venice call us at, 941-485-4222.

Venice mortgage advisor reveals Is hiring a real estate agent really worth it?
Angie's Money Tips
2 Views · 4 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about the expense of hiring a real estate agent and if it’s really worth it to you… When you’re selling a home, so much money is at stake, you can’t afford to make a mistake. That’s why over 90% of buyers and sellers work with a Realtor. But let’s face it, Real estate commissions are expensive. Are Realtors really worth it? Here’s what good Realtors do to earn every penny of their commissions… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Venice call us at, 941-485-4222.

Venice mortgage advisor reveals The #1 Wealth-Building Habit.
Angie's Money Tips
2 Views · 4 years ago

As you know, there are lots of ways to "skin the cat" when it comes to building wealth. Frankly, it can get downright overwhelming when you start to think about all the options available. Let's cut through the clutter and keep it simple. Here's the #1 wealth-building habit... If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Venice call us at, 941-485-4222.

Venice mortgage advisor reveals 4 ways to know if a house is overpriced, before you buy…
Angie's Money Tips
2 Views · 4 years ago

When housing prices start to rise, buyers get nervous and start to question the worth of the home and if they are paying too much for it. Because the last thing you want to do is make an offer on a house priced too high! In some competitive markets, sellers think the sky is the limit when setting an asking price. So as a buyer, you have to take several factors into account in order to determine whether a home is actually worth the asking price. Here are 4 ways to know if a house is overpriced… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Venice call us at, 941-485-4222.

Venice mortgage advisor reveals Mortgage Insurance vs. Term Life.
Angie's Money Tips
2 Views · 4 years ago

When you buy a home, you’ll probably be asked if you’d like mortgage insurance. But if you already have life insurance, do you really need mortgage insurance too? Well, it depends. Here are some factors to consider... If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Venice call us at, 941-485-4222.

Venice mortgage advisor reveals Moving Checklist.
Angie's Money Tips
2 Views · 4 years ago

Here’s a special resource for you – or anyone you know – who is planning on moving house in the next 6 months… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Venice call us at, 941-485-4222.

Venice mortgage advisor reveals Why it pays to do an annual mortgage checkup...
Angie's Money Tips
2 Views · 4 years ago

Most people have regular checkups for their health, car and investment portfolio. But when’s the last time you had a checkup for your mortgage? Here's why it's so important... If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Venice call us at, 941-485-4222.

Venice mortgage advisor reveals 6 ways to help you save $1k in one month…
Angie's Money Tips
2 Views · 4 years ago

Let’s say you’ve got a big expense coming up and need to save $1,000 in the next 30 days. While this may sound like an impossible goal, it’s not. All you have to do is put your mind to it, start immediately and adopt some of these proven money-saving tips… Here are 6 ways to help you save $1,000 in one month… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Venice call us at, 941-485-4222.

Venice mortgage advisor reveals 3 Money Myths that make no cents!
Angie's Money Tips
2 Views · 4 years ago

OK, today we’re going shatter a few MONEY MYTHS… Ever since we were children, we’ve heard and repeated familiar sayings about money. One favorite of parents everywhere is, “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” But what if it turned out that most of the conventional wisdom about money wasn’t true, or at least wasn’t helpful? For instance, while it’s literally true that money doesn’t grow on trees, that saying can lead us to believe in scarcity rather than abundance—so scarcity is what we end up with! Here are 3 three other equally destructive money myths to avoid… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Venice call us at, 941-485-4222.

Venice mortgage advisor reveals Money & Relationships.
Angie's Money Tips
2 Views · 4 years ago

If you haven't noticed by now, money is one of the biggest sources of conflict in relationships. Here's how avoid conflict and build connection... If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Venice call us at, 941-485-4222.

Venice mortgage advisor reveals How millennials are impacting real estate…
Angie's Money Tips
2 Views · 4 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about how millennials are changing the real estate landscape… As millennials become the largest adult generation, it’s no surprise that they’re becoming a major force in home buying. According to Zillow, a US-based online real estate marketplace, millennials now make up 42% of all homebuyers. Here’s how millennial buyers and sellers differ from previous generations… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Venice call us at, 941-485-4222.

Venice mortgage advisor reveals What every homeowner needs to know about living trusts.
Angie's Money Tips
2 Views · 4 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about avoiding probate conflicts by setting up a living trust. Wills and living trusts are legal documents that distribute property. Both are useful estate planning tools, but there are important differences. Here’s what every homeowner needs to know about living trusts…. If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Venice call us at, 941-485-4222.

Vancouver mortgage expert reveals When to do home renovations?
Elisa Swezey Mortgage
2 Views · 4 years ago

Have you ever wondered when the best time of the year is to do home renovations? Deciding when to start a remodeling project may simply depend on when you need it finished. But if you have a little leeway, here are some considerations that can make the process easier and more affordable… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage expert in Vancouver call us at, 778-938-2572.

Vancouver mortgage expert reveals Top 5 reasons why people stay stuck in debt….
Elisa Swezey Mortgage
2 Views · 4 years ago

OK, today we’re going to talk about why most people stay stuck in debt… Being deep in debt can make your life a nightmare, put your family at risk and make your future look hopeless. So why do so many people stay in debt when there are proven ways to put yourself back on a firm financial footing? Here are the Top 5 reasons… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage expert in Vancouver call us at, 778-938-2572.

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