J King K Secret Superstar 6
J King K Secrect Superstar 4
Ok, today we are going to talk about how to save money on home insurance… Insurance is absolutely essential to home ownership. You have to be confident that your investment and your family are adequately protected. However, there’s no reason to pay more for home insurance than you have to. Here are 7 ways to save money on home insurance… If you are looking
for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Maryland call us at, 410-978-7221
Ok, today we are going to talk about how to start investing… Obviously, there are several things to take care of before you can start investing. You need to cover rent or mortgage payments, monthly bills, groceries, etc., and you also need some money set aside for emergencies. But once you’ve accomplished that, it’s time to start investing for the future. Here are 5 steps to help you start investing… If you are looking
for a top-notch loan originator in Anchorage call us at, 907-351-7581
Ok, today we are going to talk about the top three green features buyers look for in a house. Are you looking to make upgrades to your home to make it more energy efficient? Wondering what to invest in that will help with resale? As concern for the environment continues to grow, today’s homebuyers are increasingly looking for green options. Here are the top 3 green features buyers are looking for. If you are looking for a top-notch marketing director in Greenville call us at 866-282-0460.
Ok, today we are going to talk about 3 things you need to do before house hunting Finding for your dream home is a lot easier if you get your finances in shape before you start looking. If you’re thinking about buying within the next year, now’s the perfect time to start preparing. Here are the first 3 steps to take before house hunting. If you're looking for a top-notch mortgage broker in Austin, call us at (512) 803-3908.
Ok, today we are going to talk about the top three green features buyers look for in a house. Are you looking to make upgrades to your home to make it more energy efficient? Wondering what to invest in that will help with resale? As concern for the environment continues to grow, today’s homebuyers are increasingly looking for green options. Here are the top 3 green features buyers are looking for. If you're looking for a top-notch mortgage broker in Austin, call us at (512) 803-3908.
J King K Superstar Secrect 2
Donte's Real Estate Sin 1
Ok, today we are going to talk about 5 things to look for and be aware of if they get noted in your home inspection… As any good Realtor will advise you, don’t even think about buying a house without a home inspection. Before you get emotionally attached to a home, invest a few hundred dollars in a thorough, professional home inspection. And if your report includes any of the following issues, consider walking away. Here are 5 home inspection red flags… If you are looking
for a top-notch loan officer in Hollywood call us at, 954-854-3394
Have you ever wondered why some Realtors quickly skyrocket to success while the majority continues to struggle just to eke out a meager existence? Little things make a big difference. That's true in marriage, parenting, and in marketing yourself as a Realtor. Too often as business owners we get caught up in the "thick" of "thin things" and we lose touch with what really drives success in our business. In this new 8-part video series, I'm going to highlight 8 deadly real estate marketing sins that could be crippling your business growth. Here's Real Estate Marketing Sin #1. For more information, call us at (703) 887-2630.
Ok, today we are going to talk about why you need homeowner’s insurance and how it keeps you protected. Homeowner’s insurance is an important and required part of home ownership. Here are the 3 main reasons why you need homeowner’s insurance. If you're looking for top-notch mortgage advisor in Woodbrige, call us at (571) 264-7716.
Real Estate's Marketing Sin 8
Jumaal K Khan Sin 7
Ok, today we are going to cover 5 tips for buying a condo… Millions of people have either decided that condo living suits their budget and lifestyle better than single-family homeownership, or they purchase condos as an investment, second home, or vacation property. There are important differences between buying a home and buying a condo. So, before you make an offer… Here are 5 tips for buying a condo… If you are
looking for a top-notch marketing director in Greenville call us at,
Ok, today we are going to talk about the top three green features buyers look for in a house. Are you looking to make upgrades to your home to make it more energy efficient? Wondering what to invest in that will help with resale? As concern for the environment continues to grow, today’s homebuyers are increasingly looking for green options. Here are the top 3 green features buyers are looking for. If you're looking for top-notch mortgage advisor in Woodbrige, call us at (571) 264-7716.
J King K Sin-3 (Real Estate Gems)
Jumaal K Khan Real Estate Gems
Real Estate Gems
Ok, today we are going to talk about 10 factors that determine your home’s value. Coming up with the right price for your home is a science. It’s not based on how much you love your home or how much money you need to get out of it. It’s based on what a potential buyer is willing to pay for a home like yours in the current market. Here are 10 factors that determine your home’s worth. If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Whitby call us at, 647-895-0201.