Real Estate

Secret #13 of Superstar Realtors
Denver Real Estate Tips
5 Views · 5 years ago

Have you ever heard someone say I run my business
"By Referral ONLY"? Well, today's controversial message
will reveal why that is the absolute worst strategy for
building a stable business with a rock-solid income stream!

Don't believe me? Take a moment and watch to today's
video and you'll discover the key to consistently
growing your income -- even in a down market...

In next week's 14th secret, you'll learn why most
real estate advertising doesn't work and how superstar
Realtors get 200-1000% higher response rates than
average Realtors.

Tune in to this upcoming video and learn the secrets
to improving your return on your ad dollars.

Stay tuned...

For more information, please call us at (720) 256-0809 or visit

Secret #16 of Superstar Realtors
Lam Lee Real Estate Tips
6 Views · 5 years ago

How many times do you find yourself saying, "I wish I
could get my prospects to believe in the value I offer!"
Have you noticed that consumers are becoming more
and more skeptical?

In today's video tip, you'll learn a powerful strategy all
Superstar Realtors use to instantly turn skeptical
prospects into pre-sold clients!

Here's how they do it...

In next week's 17th secret, you'll discover how Superstar
Realtors use the INTERNET to generate a tsunami of
qualified buyer and seller leads on AUTOPILOT .

Stay tuned...

For more information, please call us at (604) 338-4488 or visit

Secret #15 of Superstar Realtors
Lam Lee Real Estate Tips
9 Views · 5 years ago

Have you ever wondered how seemingly unknown
Realtors have positioned themselves as the #1 choice
in their niche in a short period of time?

Here is one of their secrets for making it happen...

In next week's 16th secret, you'll discover a powerful
marketing secret Superstar Realtors use to consistently
overcome their prospect's fear and skepticism.

This one strategy could at least DOUBLE your
prospect-to-closing conversion ratio.

Stay tuned...

For more information, please call us at (604) 338-4488 or visit

Secret #14 of Superstar Realtors
Lam Lee Real Estate Tips
6 Views · 5 years ago

How many times have you said to yourself, "I wish I knew
how to get the best bang for my buck on my
advertising dollars?"

Well today you're going to learn the advertising secrets
that Superstar Realtors use to get at least 200% higher
response rates than the average Realtor.

Here exactly how they do it:

In next week's 15th secret, you'll learn a powerful
marketing strategy that Superstar Realtors use to get
huge floods of leads with little time or effort!

Stay tuned...

For more information, please call us at (604) 338-4488 or visit

Secret #13 of Superstar Realtors
Lam Lee Real Estate Tips
7 Views · 5 years ago

Have you ever heard someone say I run my business
"By Referral ONLY"? Well, today's controversial message
will reveal why that is the absolute worst strategy for
building a stable business with a rock-solid income stream!

Don't believe me? Take a moment and watch to today's
video and you'll discover the key to consistently
growing your income -- even in a down market...

In next week's 14th secret, you'll learn why most
real estate advertising doesn't work and how superstar
Realtors get 200-1000% higher response rates than
average Realtors.

Tune in to this upcoming video and learn the secrets
to improving your return on your ad dollars.

Stay tuned...

For more information, please call us at (604) 338-4488 or visit

How Top-Producers Get More Done
Texas Loan Stars
6 Views · 5 years ago

Here's an interesting question for you....

What’s the #1 factor that separates Top-Producers from
the mediocre majority?

Chances are you already intuitively know the answer.
It's all about how they invest their time!

You see, everyone has 24 hours per day. The difference between
the top achievers and all the rest is how they use it.

Here's how Top-Producers use their time...

For more information, please call us at (713) 961-5363 or visit

The Power of Appreciation Marketing
Texas Loan Stars
3 Views · 5 years ago

With few exceptions, some of the first words we learn as kids are “Please” and “Thank you”. As parents, we're constantly reminding our kids to say these words because as a culture, we tend to be repelled by people who lack social graces. If showing appreciation is such an integral part of human interaction, how might you use appreciation to differentiate yourself and improve your marketing results? Here's how. For more information, please call us at (713) 961-5363 or visit

Ten Tenets of Top-Producers
Texas Loan Stars
7 Views · 5 years ago

Have you ever wondered why some Realtors® quickly
skyrocket to success while the majority continues to
struggle just to eke out a meager existence?

We all know everyone has access to the same MLS
marketing tools, so why such a disparity in results?
Is the difference found in their education, intelligence,
skills, timing, work habits, contacts or luck? The answer
to this mystery is actually no mystery at all.

If you dig down to the root cause of their success, you’ll
invariably find that the common denominator of success
in each and every Top Producer lies in their MINDSET or

Here are ten ways Top-Producers think differently than
all the rest…

For more information, please call us at (713) 961-5363 or visit

Secret #21 of Superstar Realtors
Texas Loan Stars
4 Views · 5 years ago

Welcome to the final 21st secret in our video series titled,
21 Secrets of Superstar Realtors.

Today's secret is by far the most important and critical
secret of all 21 secrets. I've saved this secret for last message
because it's the last impression that I want to emblaze on
the screen of your mind.


And if you want to become a Superstar Realtor yourself,
you MUST do this too. If you haven't watched any of the last
20 video tips, today's is the one you need to tune in to.

Here's the final secret of Superstar Realtors...

Thanks for tuning in and have a blessed and profitable day!

For more information, please call us at (713) 961-5363 or visit

Realtor Marketing Sin #4
Free Realtor Tips
6 Views · 5 years ago

Welcome to Real Estate Marketing Sin #4.

Most Realtors believe -- either consciously or unconsciously --
that once you "close the deal" and the client walks out the door,
then the deed is done and you just move on to the next prospect.

What they don't realize is that their next prospect might have
just walked out the door!

Most Realtors tend to be "hunters" instead of "harvesters".
Top producers, on the hand, understand the importance
of both.

They understand that a new customer typically costs 5 to 10
times more than a repeat customer.

That's why they focus on getting 60% to 70% of their business
from their existing client database through referrals and
repeat business -- and you should too!

Here's how they do it...

In next week's tip, you'll learn the secret for mitigating the
risk of losing money when advertising and how to boost
the ROI on every ad dollar you invest.

Stay tuned...

For more information, please call us at (732) 722-5819 or visit

Realtor Marketing Sin #3
Free Realtor Tips
3 Views · 5 years ago

Welcome to Real Estate Marketing Sin #3.

Ever wondered how fast food franchises like
McDonalds or Wendy's run like finely-oiled
cash machines?

Notice how they do the same things, the same
way, every single time.

Unfortunately, most Realtors never take the time
to "systematize" their business, which results in
duplication, waste, chaos and ultimately, lost sales.

Here are 4 types of "systems" to implement in your biz...

In next week's tip, you'll learn the secret for maximizing
your repeat and referral business.

Stay tuned...

For more information, please call us at (732) 722-5819 or visit

Realtor Marketing Sin #2
Free Realtor Tips
3 Views · 5 years ago

Welcome to Real Estate Marketing Sin #2.
In today's video, you'll learn the importance
of planning.

Studies show that small businesses that create --
and consistently use --marketing plans experience
an average of 30% higher sales than those who don't.

Wouldn't you like to increase your sales by 30%?

Here are 4 Simple Steps for Creating an Effective
Marketing Plan...

In next week's tip, you'll learn the secret for getting
your business to run like a finely-oiled machine,
giving you true autonomy, freedom and peace of mind.

Stay tuned...

For more information, please call us at (732) 722-5819 or visit

8 Realtor Marketing Sins
Free Realtor Tips
5 Views · 5 years ago

Have you ever wondered why some Realtors® quickly
skyrocket to success while the majority continues to
struggle just to eke out a meager existence?

Little things make a big difference. That's true in marriage,
parenting, and in marketing yourself as a Realtor.

Too often as business owners we get caught up in the
"thick" of "thin things" and we lose touch with what
really drives success in our business.

In this new 8-part video series, I'm going to highlight
8 deadly real estate marketing sins that could be
crippling your business growth.

Here's Real Estate Marketing Sin #1...

For more information, please call us at (732) 722-5819 or visit

Secret #4 of Superstar Realtors
Free Waterloo RETips
5 Views · 5 years ago

Welcome to the 4th secret of Superstar Realtors.
In today's secret I unlock the mystery to creating
a constant stream of qualified leads that come to
you instead of the other way around.

All the Superstar Realtors I know use this tactic
and you should too.

Click here to listen to the fourth secret...

In the upcoming 5th secret you'll learn why
Superstar Realtors can charge higher fees than
all their competitors and still have clients lined
up around the block to use their services.

Stay tuned...

For more information, please call us at (519) 590-5555 or visit

Secret #3 of Superstar Realtors
Free Waterloo RETips
8 Views · 5 years ago

Welcome to the 3rd secret of Superstar Realtors.
In today's secret, you'll learn a very different
approach to marketing your real estate services.

This one approach has more power to build your
real estate business than any other strategy available.

Click here to listen to the third secret...

In next week's 4th secret, you'll learn how top-producing
Realtors get most of their leads and how you can too.

Stay tuned...

For more information, please call us at (519) 590-5555 or visit

Secret #2 of Superstar Realtors
Free Waterloo RETips
6 Views · 5 years ago

Welcome to the 2nd secret of Superstar Realtors.
In today's secret, you'll learn how to market with
the dignity and respect you deserve.

Watch the 2nd secret here...

In next week's 3rd secret, you'll learn a tried and
true process that that can help you generate all
the qualified prospects you can handle.

Stay tuned...

For more information, please call us at (519) 590-5555 or visit

21 Secrets of Superstar Realtors
Free Waterloo RETips
6 Views · 5 years ago

Why do some Realtors® have all the clients they can handle,
while others seem to struggle? Is it because they are smarter
than all the other Realtors® or is it because they simply
work harder? Perhaps neither.

After analyzing the habits, attributes and character traits of
hundreds of real estate professionals over the years, we've
identified the "secrets" that separate the Top 1%
highest-income-earning Realtors® from all the rest.

And for your benefit, we've decided to distill all these traits
down into 21 specific things that create superstar Realtors®
and allow them to pick and choose who they work with, and
have all the clients they can handle.

Are you ready for the 1st secret of Superstar Realtors®?

Here it is...

For more information, please call us at (519) 590-5555 or visit

Secret weapon: How to attract & sell more listings
Free Waterloo RETips
6 Views · 5 years ago

If you’re like most of the top-producing Realtors I work
with, you’re sick and tired of parasite mortgage pros
who feel entitled to just suck you dry of referrals
without providing any REAL UNIQUE VALUE in return.
Can you relate?

As far as I’m concerned, your mortgage pro should
be one of your most valuable assets, who doesn’t
just provide “great rates” and “great service” –
that’s a minimum expectation – but provides
killer-effective marketing systems that put more
dollars in your wallet. In short, they should be
your SECRET WEAPON – an irreplaceable,
indispensable asset on your team.

With that in mind, here's a quick 3-minute video
showing how I help my Realtor Partners attract
more quality listings and sell them faster for
top dollar.

Check it out:

Well, what do you think? Can you see the value in
using a system like this?

I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Cheers!

For more information, please call us at (519) 590-5555 or visit

Secret #12 of Superstar Realtors
Tracy Belle Lends
6 Views · 5 years ago

Today you'll discover how Superstar Realtors set themselves
apart from their competitors and position yourself as the
only logical choice in your prospects' mind.

Here's exactly how they do it:

In next week's 13th secret, you'll discover the reason why
Superstar Realtors never have to worry about market
trends or whether rates are going up or down -- they
keep succeeding regardless.

Tune into the next secret and learn how you too can
competition proof your business. Don't miss it!

Stay tuned...

For more information, please call us at (503) 910-4976 or visit

Secret #11 of Superstar Realtors
Tracy Belle Lends
10 Views · 5 years ago

Today you'll learn how Superstar Realtors have
the uncanny ability to get things done, open new
doors, and create profitable referral alliances.

This message will be very important to your
career so click the link below and watch to
today's message.

Here's how Top Dog Realtors make it happen:

In next week's 12th secret, you'll discover
how Superstar Realtors set themselves apart
from their competition and position themselves
as the only logical choice in their prospect's mind.

Stay tuned...

For more information, please call us at (503) 910-4976 or visit

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