John Greer Home Loans
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When choosing a mortgage, most Americans choose a fixed-rate. But just because fixed-rate mortgages are most popular, doesn’t mean they’re necessarily a good fit for you. Here are a few things you need to know about fixed-rate mortgages. If you're looking for a top-notch Loan Originator in Newport Beach, call us at (844) 846-6688).
To ensure your long-term financial security, it's essential to develop an effective financial plan, retirement strategy and investment portfolio. Since most people don't have the skills required to do this, here are 7 tips for choosing the right financial planner. If you're looking for a top-notch Loan Originator in Newport Beach, call us at (844) 846-6688).
I know it doesn't happen as often as we'd like but once in a while we get some extra cash from raises, bonuses, inheritances, etc. Most people blow any extra dough on doodads that depreciate in value, like a new car, big screen TV, etc. But smart people invest it in assets that create financial freedom. Here are 5 smart ways to use your extra cash to achieve financial freedom faster. If you're looking for a top-notch Loan Originator in Newport Beach, call us at (844) 846-6688).
Ok, today we are going to talk about what you should and should not fight the buyer on after your home inspection. Buying a home involves a lot of give and take. Sometimes, though, buyers are tempted to insist that minor inspection findings be addressed. Unfortunately, this can be a bad idea both for the deal and your future satisfaction. Here’s what NOT to fight for after your home inspection. If you're looking for a top-notch Loan Originator in Newport Beach, call us at (844) 846-6688).
Ok, today we are going to talk about 6 ways your family can save money, but still have fun. Making the most of time as a family doesn’t have to mean spending a bunch of money. In fact, you could be earning some! Here are 6 ways to save money and stay social. If you're looking for a top-notch Loan Originator in Newport Beach, call us at (844) 846-6688).
OK, today we’re going talk about flipping homes for profit. Buying an undervalued house that needs work, fixing it up, then selling it at a profit can be a great way to make money. But for every flip that ends in fortune, there are plenty that end in failure. Here are 4 tips for failure-free flipping. If you're looking for a top-notch Loan Originator in Newport Beach, call us at (844) 846-6688).
If you’re thinking of selling your home any time soon, here are seven fast, easy and affordable ways to attract more offers and get a higher price. If you're looking for a top-notch Loan Originator in Newport Beach, call us at (844) 846-6688).
Today we're going to talk about how avoid losing money when investing. Saving your hard-earned money isn’t easy, so the last thing you want to do is make a bad—and costly—investment decision. 5 common investing mistakes to avoid. If you're looking for a top-notch Loan Originator in Newport Beach, call us at (844) 846-6688).
Nobody wants to stay deep in debt and poor – even for a short time, let alone a long time. So what’s preventing us from adopting better money habits? Our erroneous beliefs! As Mark Twain once said…“It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.” It’s easier to believe change is impossible rather than actually trying to make change happen. With that in mind. Here are 16 common excuses that prevent us from becoming financially free. If you're looking for a top-notch Loan Originator in Newport Beach, call us at (844) 846-6688).
Did you know that the average homeowner pays over $100,000 in unnecessary interest payments? Chances are, if you're like most homeowners, your mortgage payment is your single, biggest after-tax expense. And unfortunately, due to the way lenders charge interest, most of your payments go towards paying interest, not principle. That's why, in the rare case that someone actually does pay off their mortgage, they often end up paying 2-3 TIMES the value of their home -- with the effective interest (or total interest paid) amounting to more than their home is even worth! Sad, but true. Here's the solution. If you're looking for a top-notch Loan Originator in Newport Beach, call us at (844) 846-6688).
Have you ever wondered how your credit score is calculated, or more importantly, how to improve it? If so, this video will be a real eye-opener for you. Check it out. If you're looking for a top-notch Loan Originator in Newport Beach, call us at (844) 846-6688).
Newport Beach Loan Originator reveals 5 ways to qualify for a mortgage (even if you have less than p
Ok, today we are going to talk about how to buy a home, even if you have bad credit. Obviously, if you have good credit, it’s easier to qualify for a mortgage. But that doesn’t mean home ownership is out of reach if you have bruised credit. Here are 5 ways to qualify for a mortgage (even if you have less than perfect credit). If you're looking for a top-notch Loan Originator in Newport Beach, call us at (844) 846-6688).
OK, today we're going to talk about habits that hinder your success. To achieve our dreams of wealth and fulfillment, we need to learn all sorts of new skills. But even with those new skills, we still may not succeed if we have a bunch of bad habits holding us back. Here are 5 Evil Habits That Can Kill Your Wealth. If you're looking for a top-notch Loan Originator in Newport Beach, call us at (844) 846-6688).
Your financial goals and social conscience don't have to be mutually exclusive. With ethical investing, it's possible to earn healthy returns without having a negative impact on others or the planet. Here's how it works. If you're looking for a top-notch Loan Originator in Newport Beach, call us at (844) 846-6688).
Ok, today we are going to talk about how to accelerate your career. What do you want from your career?
• More money?
• A promotion?
• More fulfillment?
• Greater flexibility?
Whatever goals you have in mind. Here are 4 strategies for accelerating your career. If you're looking for a top-notch Loan Originator in Newport Beach, call us at (844) 846-6688).
Ok, today we are going to talk about buying a home at an auction. Auctions aren’t just for rich people. When houses are sold at auction, the prices can be downright cheap. Here’s how to save BIG by buying a home at an auction. If you're looking for a top-notch Loan Originator in Newport Beach, call us at (844) 846-6688).
OK, today we’re going to talk about the importance of getting – and keeping – an emergency fund. Of course, the first consideration is, do you have an emergency fund? The second is, how do you avoid the temptation of dipping into for non-emergencies. Here are 3 things you need to know to get (and keep) an emergency fund. If you're looking for a top-notch Loan Originator in Newport Beach, call us at (844) 846-6688).
I have a question for you. How would you like it if your company could provide you with an exclusive Employee Mortgage Benefits Program that allowed you to $AVE BIG when buying, selling and refinancing your home? Here's a short video that explains how the program works. If you're looking for a top-notch Loan Originator in Newport Beach, call us at (844) 846-6688).
Ok, today we are going to talk about some important things to consider before downsizing your home. In 1950, the average single-family home in the US was 1,000 square feet, and today it’s 2,600 square feet. The difference is even more dramatic when you consider how much larger families were in the 1950s! Some find themselves living in unnecessarily large homes, which leaves room for down sizing and saving. But before you rush in to selling and buying small, here are 5 things to consider before downsizing. If you're looking for a top-notch Loan Originator in Newport Beach, call us at (844) 846-6688).
Are you considering buying a new home or investment property in the near future? If so, saving a down payment can be a challenge. But think of it this way: if you can discipline yourself to regularly set aside funds until you have a down payment, you’ll probably have no trouble making your mortgage payments. Here’s how to get started. If you're looking for a top-notch Loan Originator in Newport Beach, call us at (844) 846-6688).