Diane Bertolin Mortgage
Diane Bertolin Mortgage

Diane Bertolin Mortgage



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Windsor mortgage agent reveals 3 important steps when applying for a mortgage
Diane Bertolin Mortgage
6 Views · 5 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about 3 important steps every borrower should know (and take) before applying for a mortgage. Buying a home and applying for a mortgage—especially if you’ve never done it before—can be scary and complicated. There are so many things to consider. Here are 3 important steps to take when applying for a mortgage. If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Windsor, call us at 519-967-1422

Windsor mortgage agent reveals 5 things to know before buying in a new development.
Diane Bertolin Mortgage
10 Views · 5 years ago

Buying a home in a new real estate development can be exciting! However, there are important things to be aware of before you sign the contract. There’s nothing like turning the key on a brand-new home that’s never been lived in. But buying in new a real estate development isn’t the same as buying an existing house. Here are 5 tips for buying in new real estate development… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Windsor, call us at 519-967-1422

Windsor mortgage agent reveals 7 steps to protect your home while you’re away…
Diane Bertolin Mortgage
9 Views · 5 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about how you can protect your home while you are away on a vacation... At this point, you’ve made your plans, booked your trip and are looking forward to a week or two away from work. But while you’re thinking about what to pack, give some thought to home security. Is your home protected while you are away? Do you have a security camera or neighbors looking out for you? Here are 7 steps to protect your home while you are away… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Windsor, call us at 519-967-1422

Windsor mortgage agent reveals 7 ways your living room can drive homebuyers away…
Diane Bertolin Mortgage
9 Views · 5 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about how to get your home, specifically your living room, ready to show potential buyers… If your home has curb appeal and many features high in demand, you’re well on your way to attracting serious buyers. But when potential buyers walk through your home, there is one room that can make or break the deal. The living room! The living room is one of the first rooms a buyer will see. Here are 7 living room deal breakers to avoid… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Windsor, call us at 519-967-1422

Windsor mortgage agent reveals 3 Tips for Buying a Foreclosure.
Diane Bertolin Mortgage
8 Views · 5 years ago

Buying a foreclosed house can be a great way to save money. However, achieving those savings takes a lot of preparation, and willingness to do some extra work. Here are 3 tips for buying a foreclosure... If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Windsor, call us at 519-967-1422

Windsor mortgage agent reveals 7 Homebuyer Tips.
Diane Bertolin Mortgage
6 Views · 5 years ago

Purchasing a house is a big step. Here are 7 Factors for Choosing the Right Home at the Right Price... If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Windsor, call us at 519-967-1422

Windsor mortgage agent reveals 7 inconvenient truths of real estate investing…
Diane Bertolin Mortgage
5 Views · 5 years ago

Real estate investing can be a great way to your build assets and achieve financial security. However, in order to be profitable, you need to the many landmines that kill your profits. Here are 7 costly real estate investing mistakes to avoid… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Windsor, call us at 519-967-1422

Windsor mortgage agent reveals Buying a Home or Investment Property?
Diane Bertolin Mortgage
7 Views · 5 years ago

Are you considering buying a new home or investment property in the near future? Buying a home is a major investment no matter how you look at it. But for many homebuyers, it's even more complicated and costly than it needs to be because of blind spots where they are lacking critical information--information that can literally make or break their chances of buying their dream home or add tens of thousands of dollars in unnecessary costs or countless hours wasted in fruitless activity. It's crazy! Homebuyers are, in many cases, making the biggest investment of their lives without any step-by-step roadmap for success. In response to this obvious need, we've decided to create a brand new homebuyer guide titled, "15 Homebuyer Mistakes And How To Avoid Them". We don't have time to get into all fifteen of them now, but here's one BIG mistake you MUST avoid... If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Windsor, call us at 519-967-1422

Windsor mortgage agent reveals 6 things to look for before you buy…
Diane Bertolin Mortgage
5 Views · 5 years ago

You’ve found the ideal place. The whole family loves it. But before you seal the deal, make sure you or your home inspector checks for these potentially expensive deal breakers. Here are 6 important things you need to look for before you buy a home… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Windsor, call us at 519-967-1422

Windsor mortgage agent reveals 6 simple, low-cost ways to update your kitchen.
Diane Bertolin Mortgage
4 Views · 5 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about how you can spice up and add value to your kitchen without doing a complete renovation… Here are 6 simple, low-cost ways to add new vitality and style to your kitchen… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Windsor, call us at 519-967-1422

Windsor mortgage agent reveals Why Making More Money Doesn't Make You Rich.
Diane Bertolin Mortgage
6 Views · 5 years ago

Have you ever wondered how some people can have big incomes but they still stay stuck in the rat race with little money left over at the end of the month? Yes, chances are they have a spending problem. But there's something even deeper at play that most people don't realize. Here's one of the many important financial lessons we should be taught in school but aren't... If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Windsor, call us at 519-967-1422

Windsor mortgage agent reveals 5 ways to save for a down payment.
Diane Bertolin Mortgage
5 Views · 5 years ago

Today we're going to talk about how to save for a down payment. Back in the day, you could buy a big house for $100,000. But now it seems like that’s just the price for the down payment. Most of the time, your down payment will be 20%. So on a $500,000 house, that’s $100,000 down! Even a $300,000 condo would require a $60,000 down payment. Here are 5 ways to save for a down payment… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Windsor, call us at 519-967-1422

Windsor mortgage agent reveals To refinance or not to refinance? That is the question...
Diane Bertolin Mortgage
7 Views · 5 years ago

Before you consider refinancing your existing mortgage, it’s important for you to determine the break-even point, which represents how soon the cost of the refinance will be recaptured through lower monthly payments. The answer to this question depends on multiple factors. Here's what you need to know before refinancing... If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Windsor, call us at 519-967-1422

Windsor mortgage agent reveals Would it pay to break out of your mortgage early?
Diane Bertolin Mortgage
7 Views · 5 years ago

Ok, today we’re going to talk about what you need to know BEFORE you break out of your mortgage. If you’ve been considering breaking out of your mortgage early, here are few things you need to consider… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Windsor, call us at 519-967-1422

Windsor mortgage agent reveals Billionaire Wealth Secret.
Diane Bertolin Mortgage
7 Views · 5 years ago

We’ve all heard about the wealth accumulation rule called “pay yourself first”. But billionaire Sir John Templeton had an even more powerful idea called the 50/50 rule. Here's the Billionaire Wealth Secret... If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Windsor, call us at 519-967-1422

Windsor mortgage agent reveals 5 Wealth-Repelling Attitudes to Avoid.
Diane Bertolin Mortgage
4 Views · 5 years ago

Have you ever wondered if the way you habitually think is helping or hindering your ability to attract wealth and prosperity? Well, recent studies indicate that we can actually unwittingly sabotage our ability to achieve financial security. Here are 5 wealth-repelling attitudes to steer clear of... If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Windsor, call us at 519-967-1422

Windsor mortgage agent reveals 7 billionaire wealth tips.
Diane Bertolin Mortgage
7 Views · 5 years ago

You may wonder how relevant “billionaire advice" is when you’re working hard just to cover the bills. But the truth is many rich people started out poor, and the financial skills they learned along the way helped them achieve great wealth. Here are 7 billionaire tips you can take to the bank… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Windsor, call us at 519-967-1422

Windsor mortgage agent reveals 5 Ways To Fund Your Next Home Reno.
Diane Bertolin Mortgage
5 Views · 5 years ago

Ok, today we are going to talk about 5 ways to pay for home improvements… Have you been considering a home improvement project lately? Maybe you’d like to add an extra room, more floorspace to your home, or simply update your kitchen and bathroom. Whatever your plans, you first have to decide how you’re going to pay for it. Here are 5 ways to fund your next renovation or home improvement project… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Windsor, call us at 519-967-1422

Windsor mortgage agent reveals 5 Ways to Be Broke.
Diane Bertolin Mortgage
5 Views · 5 years ago

OK, today we’re going to talk about 5 ways to be broke even if you’re earning six figures… Sounds impossible, right? How can you earn over $100,000 a year and still not have enough to cover your bills? It’s actually much easier—and more common—than you’d think. Here are 5 common wealth-killing mistakes high earners make… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Windsor, call us at 519-967-1422

Windsor mortgage agent reveals 4 factors to look for beyond a “good rate”…
Diane Bertolin Mortgage
6 Views · 5 years ago

OK, let’s talk about rates… Let’s face it, when it comes to getting a mortgage, everyone wants the “lowest rate”. I mean, why not save a few pennies, right? Sure, a low rate is important, but choosing your mortgage and lender based on rate alone can be a BIG mistake. With that in mind… Here are 4 factors to look for beyond a “good rate”… If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage agent in Windsor, call us at 519-967-1422

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