Tyshawn's Mortgage Bytes
Tyshawn's Mortgage Bytes

Tyshawn's Mortgage Bytes



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Katy Mortgage Advisor reveals 6 things to pay extra attention to in any home inspection…
Tyshawn's Mortgage Bytes
25 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about 6 things you need to examine closely in a home inspection… Buying a home is a huge investment, and unfortunately, we’re not all qualified to judge whether a home is worth the money. That’s why it’s essential to hire a professional home inspector. Here are 6 things to pay extra attention to in any home inspection… ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Katy call us at, 432-425-9497

Katy Mortgage Advisor reveals These are the best months and days to list your home…
Tyshawn's Mortgage Bytes
33 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about when the best days and months of the year are to list your home… If you’re thinking of selling your home, there’s never a bad time of year, but there certainly are perks to selling in the spring. Spring is usually the best time of year, and a recent survey gets even more specific, providing the best time to list, right down to time of day. Check it out to learn more… ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Katy call us at, 432-425-9497

Katy Mortgage Advisor reveals what you need to know…
Tyshawn's Mortgage Bytes
23 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣Ok, today we are going to review everything you need to know about second mortgages… What is a second mortgage? A second mortgage is an additional loan taken out on a property that’s already mortgaged. Second mortgages are riskier for lenders than first mortgages because they’re in second position on your property's title. As a result, the interest rate on second mortgages is higher. Here’s what you need to know about second mortgages… ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Katy call us at, 432-425-9497

Katy Mortgage Advisor reveals 5 steps to a stress free long-distance move…
Tyshawn's Mortgage Bytes
25 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about how to make a long-distance move stress free… Major life changes are always stressful. And moving from one city or region to another is definitely a major change. Here are 5 steps you can take to help eliminate the stress of moving… ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Katy call us at, 432-425-9497

Katy Mortgage Advisor reveals 4 risks of home equity loans…
Tyshawn's Mortgage Bytes
24 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about 4 risks of home equity loans… A home equity loan lets you borrow some of the equity you’ve built up in your home. For most people home equity loans are a convenient, affordable way to access extra cash. But they’re not without risk. Here are 4 things to consider before applying for a home equity loan… ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Katy call us at, 432-425-9497

Katy Mortgage Advisor reveals 5 reasons why it’s important to price your home right…
Tyshawn's Mortgage Bytes
17 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about why it’s important to price your house right. When you list your house, you want it to sell fast and at a high price. In order for that to happen, it needs to be priced right. But this is where it gets tricky. Price it too low, and it may sell quickly but you’ll leave money on the table. Price it too high, and it may take months and several price reductions to sell. Here are 5 reasons why it’s important to price your house right… ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Katy call us at, 432-425-9497

Katy Mortgage Advisor reveals 7 ways reduce your heating bill…
Tyshawn's Mortgage Bytes
31 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about 7 ways to stay warm this winter without spending a fortune on heating… Home heating costs seem to rise every year, and this winter may be even more costly for you if you’re spending more time at home or working from home. But there are ways to reduce heating costs without shivering until spring. Here are 7 ways to stay warm without paying a huge heat bill… ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Katy call us at, 432-425-9497

Katy Mortgage Advisor reveals 5 steps to help you start investing…
Tyshawn's Mortgage Bytes
23 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about how to start investing… Obviously, there are several things to take care of before you can start investing. You need to cover rent or mortgage payments, monthly bills, groceries, etc., and you also need some money set aside for emergencies. But once you’ve accomplished that, it’s time to start investing for the future. Here are 5 steps to help you start investing… ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Katy call us at, 432-425-9497

Katy Mortgage Advisor reveals Why you need cash reserves to buy a home…
Tyshawn's Mortgage Bytes
21 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about what cash reserves are and why you need them to buy a home… When buying a house, most people only think about saving enough to cover a down payment and closing costs. But lenders like to see more than that. Borrowers who have additional “cash reserves” are considered lower risk and are more likely to be approved for financing at the lowest possible rate. So, what are “cash reserves” and how can they benefit you? Take a look… ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Katy call us at, 432-425-9497

Katy Mortgage Advisor reveals 3 ways to access your home equity…
Tyshawn's Mortgage Bytes
19 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk ways to access the home equity… If you’re equity rich and cash poor, it might make sense to draw equity from your home. Here are 3 ways to access the equity in your home… ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Katy call us at, 432-425-9497

Katy Mortgage Advisor reveals Saving for home renovations? Here’s how to budget...
Tyshawn's Mortgage Bytes
20 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about how much home renovations can cost… Renovations can help make your home more comfortable and easier to sell. But depending on what you’re planning, they can also be expensive. To help you budget for your next project, the HomeAdvisor website has published a list of typical costs for renovation projects. Here’s a list of the most common renos and how much they cost… ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Katy call us at, 432-425-9497

Katy Mortgage Advisor reveals 6 tips for buying a home sight unseen…
Tyshawn's Mortgage Bytes
24 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about how you can buy a home without visiting it in person… Today, more buyers are making offers on homes sight unseen. Reasons for this could include: • Being too busy for physical shopping • Living on the other side of the country • Feeling totally comfortable with online purchases • Preferring the safety of physical distance Here are 6 tips for buying a house sight unseen… ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Katy call us at, 432-425-9497

Katy Mortgage Advisor reveals A decade-by-decade retirement plan…
Tyshawn's Mortgage Bytes
25 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about a decade-by-decade retirement plan… Saving for retirement is a challenging but essential goal. Government pensions likely won’t be enough to live on, so it’s up to you to provide a comfortable retirement income. Here is a retirement plan broken down for you, decade by decade… ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Katy call us at, 432-425-9497

Katy Mortgage Advisor reveals 5 facts you need to know about foreclosures…
Tyshawn's Mortgage Bytes
27 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about 5 things you need to know about foreclosures… Heaven forbid, you get several months late on mortgage payments, your lender’s last resort is to initiate foreclosure. This is a lengthy and expensive process for your lender, but its impact on you can be even more negative. Here’s 5 facts you need to know about the foreclosure process… ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Katy call us at, 432-425-9497

Katy Mortgage Advisor reveals When and how to back out of an accepted offer…
Tyshawn's Mortgage Bytes
26 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about when it’s acceptable to back out of an offer and how to do it… It’s only natural to have second thoughts after making a major decision. But if your offer to buy a house is accepted and THEN you decide to back out of it, things can get a little complicated. It’s definitely possible, but it can be expensive and create legal issues. Here are some things to consider… ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Katy call us at, 432-425-9497

Katy Mortgage Advisor reveals What is a “force majeure” clause, and does it apply to your mortgage?
Tyshawn's Mortgage Bytes
26 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about what a force majeure clause is and where or not it applies to your mortgage… “Force majeure” is French for superior force. It’s a term used in legal documents that can sometimes let a person or business get out of a contract. Here’s what you need to know and when it could apply to you… ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Katy call us at, 432-425-9497

Katy Mortgage Advisor reveals 4 reasons you need a real estate plan…
Tyshawn's Mortgage Bytes
16 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about real estate planning and why it’s necessary… You don’t have to be wealthy to have an estate plan. No matter who you are, you probably have possessions you’d like your children to have once you’re gone. And you definitely want to have a say in who will take care of your kids if you die before your time. Here are 4 reasons why you should start thinking about estate planning today… ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Katy call us at, 432-425-9497

Katy Mortgage Advisor reveals Pros and cons for buying an existing house vs building new…
Tyshawn's Mortgage Bytes
25 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about the pros and cons for buying a house verses building new… Deciding whether to buy an existing house or build a brand new one can be complicated. There are so many factors to consider. Here’s a list of pros and cons for both building new and buying an existing home… ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Katy call us at, 432-425-9497

Katy Mortgage Advisor reveals 6 tips for furnishing your home on a budget…
Tyshawn's Mortgage Bytes
13 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about how to furnish your home on a budget… If you’ve just bought a home, you may feel pressured to furnish the whole thing all at once, which can be expensive. But there are many ways to moderate costs. Here are 6 tips for furnishing your home on a budget… ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Katy call us at, 432-425-9497

Katy Mortgage Advisor reveals 6 tips to save you time and money paying your utility bills…
Tyshawn's Mortgage Bytes
10 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣Ok, today we are going to talk about how you can save time and money paying your utility bills on your home… Monthly bills are inevitable and predictable. But for some people, bills come as a surprise just when they can least afford them. Here’s 6 tips to save you time and money paying your utility bills… ⁣If you are looking for a top-notch mortgage advisor in Katy call us at, 432-425-9497

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