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Ok, today we are going to talk about the expense of hiring a real estate agent and if it’s really worth it to you… When you’re selling a home, so much money is at stake, you can’t afford to make a mistake. That’s why over 90% of buyers and sellers work with a Realtor. But let’s face it, Real estate commissions are expensive. Are Realtors really worth it? Here’s what good Realtors do to earn every penny of their commissions… If you are looking for a top-notch loan officer in Mason call us at, 513-238-0999
Ok, today we are going to talk about how much home renovations can cost… Renovations can help make your home more comfortable and easier to sell. But depending on what you’re planning, they can also be expensive. To help you budget for your next project, the HomeAdvisor website has published a list of typical costs for renovation projects. Here’s a list of the most common renos and how much they cost… If you are looking for a top-notch loan officer in Mason call us at, 513-238-0999
Ok, today we are going to talk about three things you need to know before you borrow from your home equity… Accessing your home equity through a home equity line of credit (HELOC) or cash-out refinance can be an affordable way to pay for renovations or education. Here are 3 things you need to know before applying for a HELOC… If you are looking for a top-notch loan officer in Mason call us at, 513-238-0999
Ok, today we are going to talk about a decade-by-decade retirement plan… Saving for retirement is a challenging but essential goal. Government pensions likely won’t be enough to live on, so it’s up to you to provide a comfortable retirement income. Here is a retirement plan broken down for you, decade by decade… If you are looking for a top-notch loan officer in Mason call us at, 513-238-0999
Ok, today we are going to talk about 6 things to do before you list your house… If you’re thinking of selling soon, you’ve probably already started working on enhancements like painting, replacing appliances, installing new flooring or re-grouting bathrooms. But there are lots of little maintenance items you need to take care of too. Here are 6 things to do before you list your house… If you are looking for a top-notch loan officer in Mason call us at, 513-238-0999
Ok, today we are going to talk about how to build your savings up FAST! Have an unexpected financial need? Rather than borrowing or putting it on your credit card—which just makes your financial situation worse—consider accelerated saving. Here are 7 ways to accelerate your savings… If you are looking for a top-notch loan officer in Mason call us at, 513-238-0999
Ok, today we are going to talk about 6 things you need to examine closely in a home inspection… Buying a home is a huge investment, and unfortunately, we’re not all qualified to judge whether a home is worth the money. That’s why it’s essential to hire a professional home inspector. Here are 6 things to pay extra attention to in any home inspection… If you are looking for a top-notch loan officer in Mason call us at, 513-238-0999
Ok, today we are going to talk about how to make a long-distance move stress free… Major life changes are always stressful. And moving from one city or region to another is definitely a major change. Here are 5 steps you can take to help eliminate the stress of moving… If you are looking for a top-notch loan officer in Mason call us at, 513-238-0999
Ok, today we are going to talk ways to access the home equity… If you’re equity rich and cash poor, it might make sense to draw equity from your home. Here are 3 ways to access the equity in your home… If you are looking for a top-notch loan officer in Mason call us at, 513-238-0999
Ok, today we are going to talk about the pros and cons for buying a house verses building new… Deciding whether to buy an existing house or build a brand new one can be complicated. There are so many factors to consider. Here’s a list of pros and cons for both building new and buying an existing home… If you are looking for a top-notch loan officer in Mason call us at, 513-238-0999
Ok, today we are going to talk about what to be aware of before moving from the city to the suburbs… For the young and single, the inner city has strong appeal. But as soon as there are kids, many couples are drawn to the suburbs. Less crowds and more open spaces become more enticing. If you don’t want to sacrifice quality of life, choose the suburb carefully. Here are 4 pitfalls to avoid when moving from the city to the suburbs… If you are looking for a top-notch loan officer in Mason call us at, 513-238-0999
Ok, today we are going to talk about 10 factors that determine your home’s value… Coming up with the right price for your home is a science. It’s not based on how much you love your home or how much money you need to get out of it. It’s based on what a potential buyer is willing to pay for a home like yours in the current market. Here are 10 factors that determine your home’s worth… If you are looking for a top-notch loan officer in Mason call us at, 513-238-0999
Ok, today we are going to talk about how you can save time and money paying your utility bills on your home… Monthly bills are inevitable and predictable. But for some people, bills come as a surprise just when they can least afford them. Here’s 6 tips to save you time and money paying your utility bills… If you are looking for a top-notch loan officer in Mason call us at, 513-238-0999
Ok, today we are going to review everything you need to know about second mortgages… What is a second mortgage? A second mortgage is an additional loan taken out on a property that’s already mortgaged. Second mortgages are riskier for lenders than first mortgages because they’re in second position on your property's title. As a result, the interest rate on second mortgages is higher. Here’s what you need to know about second mortgages… If you are looking for a top-notch loan officer in Mason call us at, 513-238-0999
Ok, today we are going to talk about how to furnish your home on a budget… If you’ve just bought a home, you may feel pressured to furnish the whole thing all at once, which can be expensive. But there are many ways to moderate costs. Here are 6 tips for furnishing your home on a budget… If you are looking for a top-notch loan officer in Mason call us at, 513-238-0999
Ok, today we are going to talk about how to start investing… Obviously, there are several things to take care of before you can start investing. You need to cover rent or mortgage payments, monthly bills, groceries, etc., and you also need some money set aside for emergencies. But once you’ve accomplished that, it’s time to start investing for the future. Here are 5 steps to help you start investing… If you are looking for a top-notch loan officer in Mason call us at, 513-238-0999
Ok, today we are going to talk about how to maximize the sale price of your home… Selling your home isn’t as simple as putting up a For Sale sign. There are many things to do in advance to prepare yourself financially and make sure your home sells for top dollar. Here are 5 ways to maximize the sale price of your home… If you are looking for a top-notch loan officer in Mason call us at, 513-238-0999
Ok, today we are going to talk about 4 risks of home equity loans… A home equity loan lets you borrow some of the equity you’ve built up in your home. For most people home equity loans are a convenient, affordable way to access extra cash. But they’re not without risk. Here are 4 things to consider before applying for a home equity loan… If you are looking for a top-notch loan officer in Mason call us at, 513-238-0999
Ok, today we are going to talk about the 9 questions to ask your Realtor before you list your home with them… Finding and selecting a Realtor is an important step in the selling process. Recent data suggests that “For Sale by Owner” houses sell for about 25% less than houses sold by Realtors. To find the Realtor who’ll work best for you, interview two or three and ask them important things about their work experience, past sales, qualifications, etc. Here are 9 questions to ask your Realtor before you list… If you are looking for a top-notch loan officer in Mason call us at, 513-238-0999
Mason Senior Loan Officer reveals 4 ways to prepare your finances for a natural disaster or pandemic
Ok, today we are going to talk about how to prepare your finances for a natural disaster or pandemic… The thing about crisis situations is that you never know when to expect them. The only way to cope is by being prepared. Here are 4 ways to prepare your finances to help you make it through challenging times… If you are looking for a top-notch loan officer in Mason call us at, 513-238-0999